No reason for the good bye, just a supertramp song that I love. "it's been nice, hope you find your paradise"
How the hell is everyone? I'm incredibly thankful that it is Friday! Whoot! I have the Ma Ha music festival this weekend, in which I will get see Dashboard Confessional, G Love and Special Sauce, and Big Head Todd and the Monsters. Oh yeah.
Work sucked big time today. Our hard drive failed and I lost 8 days of data. So we're in the process of pulling all our paper slips and Rx's to re enter everything in again. Oh the joys of technology on the fritz.
I posted something more heavy and deep in thought over at the OBC. Interesting read, go check it out.
I'm going to walk the dogs, work out, clean up and then do some grilling. I kinda just want to lay low tonight I think.
I start school again next Tuesday. I can hardly contain my excitement. I have a feeling I might be that non trad student that everyone hates. :::sigh:::
My random moment this week happened while browsing through DVD's at Best Buy. I stumbled across the show Thirtysomething. I distinctly remember my parents watching the show. I think I as in late middle school, maybe early high school. Then it dawned on me, I'm now thirtysomething. Holy Shit, where's the Tylenol. Maybe, I should Netflix it and see if I could learn something to make this transition easier.
Later gators!
Roonzie's Ramblings
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday Yay!
Thank you Lord! it has been a long stretch this week.
I woke up this morning and decided I wanted to snooze for a bit. I had a perfect breeze coming in the windows and the smell of freshly cut crash. Things were perfect. Cue the sound of an electric saw. My next door neighbor had a chain saw rigged to an extension pole and was cutting down branches. Those of you know me well realize that I can easily sleep through the sound of a saw. I had every intention of doing so, until Ellie started barking, which meant Hank was right behind. The bed is moving dogs are not happy. To make the situation worse my neighbor starts talking to them in between branches. " Oh Ellie, no need to get worked up. Hi Ellie, Hi Hank" I thought Ellie was going to claw through the screen. She totally wigged and that was the end of my sleep in. Some days you can't win.
I have a bunch of stuff to accomplish today, including a trip to Blair. Joy. First a walk for the pups and then I'm going for a run. My legs still hate me but things are getting better.
OOh Better than Ezra ROCKED it on Wednesday. I had no idea they had new material out. So I must add that to my list of things to check out. I also need to check out the new DMB disc as well.
Have a great Friday!
I woke up this morning and decided I wanted to snooze for a bit. I had a perfect breeze coming in the windows and the smell of freshly cut crash. Things were perfect. Cue the sound of an electric saw. My next door neighbor had a chain saw rigged to an extension pole and was cutting down branches. Those of you know me well realize that I can easily sleep through the sound of a saw. I had every intention of doing so, until Ellie started barking, which meant Hank was right behind. The bed is moving dogs are not happy. To make the situation worse my neighbor starts talking to them in between branches. " Oh Ellie, no need to get worked up. Hi Ellie, Hi Hank" I thought Ellie was going to claw through the screen. She totally wigged and that was the end of my sleep in. Some days you can't win.
I have a bunch of stuff to accomplish today, including a trip to Blair. Joy. First a walk for the pups and then I'm going for a run. My legs still hate me but things are getting better.
OOh Better than Ezra ROCKED it on Wednesday. I had no idea they had new material out. So I must add that to my list of things to check out. I also need to check out the new DMB disc as well.
Have a great Friday!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I'm sitting in my office cleaning out emails, working on scheduling and watching Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Multi tasking is my middle name. Go Red Wings! I decided to take a quick break and update my blog a bit.
I have updated the 2009 concerts. I am so stoked about this years Mile High Music Festival. Adding to my excitement, I just learned today that Big Head Todd and the Monsters AND Jack's Mannequin have been added to the festival. Hell yeah.
So I have been making slight changes my day to day routine over the past three months. This week I started running again. And I have to say, my legs hate me right now. I am also going to start biking to work. I've had my bike for two weeks now and I've been riding it at night in and around my neighborhood. I haven't had the balls to try to go to work just yet. There are two pretty significant hills that I'm not looking forward to. I figured it would help me get up and moving in the morning and I would get in some exercise. It is just a bit over a mile one way. So wish me luck.
I also need to figure out when the heck I'm going to use my vacation time this year. So far my trip to Denver is the only thing I have planned. I had wanted to go to Chicago, but it looks like that overlaps with a concert I'm going to be attending. I may just end up taking the time off and sticking around the house. I'm trying to get the second half of my basement finished and I could use the time to work around the house while the contractors worked downstairs.
ooooh, in other random news.......I re financed my house for 4.375%. Definite hell yeah. And I knocked it down to a 15 year instead of 30. I realize now that I am old. I get way to0 excited about saving money on my mortgage.
The College World Series is just around the corner as well. This is the next to last year for good ole Johnny Rosenblatt Stadium. I think I may need to take the entire series off next year for vaca.
I should probably get back to plugging away. I want to get a bunch of stuff done tonight and head to work early tomorrow morning. The Better than Ezra show is tomorrow night so I want to make sure I'm done early tomorrow.
I have updated the 2009 concerts. I am so stoked about this years Mile High Music Festival. Adding to my excitement, I just learned today that Big Head Todd and the Monsters AND Jack's Mannequin have been added to the festival. Hell yeah.
So I have been making slight changes my day to day routine over the past three months. This week I started running again. And I have to say, my legs hate me right now. I am also going to start biking to work. I've had my bike for two weeks now and I've been riding it at night in and around my neighborhood. I haven't had the balls to try to go to work just yet. There are two pretty significant hills that I'm not looking forward to. I figured it would help me get up and moving in the morning and I would get in some exercise. It is just a bit over a mile one way. So wish me luck.
I also need to figure out when the heck I'm going to use my vacation time this year. So far my trip to Denver is the only thing I have planned. I had wanted to go to Chicago, but it looks like that overlaps with a concert I'm going to be attending. I may just end up taking the time off and sticking around the house. I'm trying to get the second half of my basement finished and I could use the time to work around the house while the contractors worked downstairs.
ooooh, in other random news.......I re financed my house for 4.375%. Definite hell yeah. And I knocked it down to a 15 year instead of 30. I realize now that I am old. I get way to0 excited about saving money on my mortgage.
The College World Series is just around the corner as well. This is the next to last year for good ole Johnny Rosenblatt Stadium. I think I may need to take the entire series off next year for vaca.
I should probably get back to plugging away. I want to get a bunch of stuff done tonight and head to work early tomorrow morning. The Better than Ezra show is tomorrow night so I want to make sure I'm done early tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hola mi amigos!
No I did not fall off the face of the Earth....a cliff perhaps. Things have just been get out crazy busy around here! I have much to discuss. Concerts, work, the pups, summer trips, movies (Star Trek go watch it now) and new ventures. I plan on devoting a post in the coming days to each of the many topics. One of which will of course be on the season finale of Lost. Holy Hell what an episode!
I've gotta keep this brief. I have to get to two stores today and finalize the support staff schedule for the summer.
But ooooooh summer is finally upon us. Almost lake time!
I leave everyone with the trailer for the re make of V coming to ABC this fall. Anyone else remember this show? Now if they would only do a re make of the War of the Worlds TV show I'd be in heaven! I have been looking forward to this show ever since it was announced. I was happy yet apprehensive to learn they signed on Elizabeth Mitchell from Lost (more on that in another post). But I have to say I'm really psyched up about it after watching the preview clip.
I hope everyone is doing well!
Later gators!
I've gotta keep this brief. I have to get to two stores today and finalize the support staff schedule for the summer.
But ooooooh summer is finally upon us. Almost lake time!
I leave everyone with the trailer for the re make of V coming to ABC this fall. Anyone else remember this show? Now if they would only do a re make of the War of the Worlds TV show I'd be in heaven! I have been looking forward to this show ever since it was announced. I was happy yet apprehensive to learn they signed on Elizabeth Mitchell from Lost (more on that in another post). But I have to say I'm really psyched up about it after watching the preview clip.
I hope everyone is doing well!
Later gators!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Where the heck did March go?
Wow! Time seems to fly even when you aren't having any fun! So April is finally here and baseball is in the air. Too bad nothing else related to spring is here. We had a nice snow/sleet storm the past 24 hours. I really can't emphasize this next point enough. I'm sick to death of the dreary cold Midwest winter weather. ugh.
So tonight a few peeps are coming over to my place to watch opening night baseball. Go Braves. I have to chuckle every time I see the commercial preview for the match up. Returning world champion Phillies take on a re loaded Braves. Ha! That's what we're calling it the first month of the season, re loading. I've got a few guesses as to what it will be called in June. And I really hope I'm wrong. Ah the beauty of opening week, where everyone can be at or above .500
It has been a tough but very rewarding Lenten season for me. I have not had any fast food or alcohol since February 23. I'm not going to lie, the first two weeks were BRUTAL. I'm doing really well now though. I'm going to try and keep going with the no fast food thing as long as possible and try to limit my beer consumption to weekends only. I love my micro brews, but dang they account for so many empty calories. I've lost five pounds doing nothing but cutting out alcohol and changing eating habits. My running starts again this week. I didn't want to set myself up to fail completely by doing everything all at once. I'm going to see Jack's Mannequin again on Saturday night, so look out Sokol. My main objective for the night is to not pull a Scott S. and use my dishes as make shift discs for frisbee golf.
I also started guitar lessons in March. I have wanted to learn to play the bass guitar for years now and I finally took the plunge. So far I'm enjoying myself immensely and I've settled into a nightly routine of practicing while catching up on my DVR list. My instructor Hector is pretty cool too. I think when he first met me he thought I'd stick with this for about a week. I need to make plans to go see his band play one of these nights.
Have a great week gang!
So tonight a few peeps are coming over to my place to watch opening night baseball. Go Braves. I have to chuckle every time I see the commercial preview for the match up. Returning world champion Phillies take on a re loaded Braves. Ha! That's what we're calling it the first month of the season, re loading. I've got a few guesses as to what it will be called in June. And I really hope I'm wrong. Ah the beauty of opening week, where everyone can be at or above .500
It has been a tough but very rewarding Lenten season for me. I have not had any fast food or alcohol since February 23. I'm not going to lie, the first two weeks were BRUTAL. I'm doing really well now though. I'm going to try and keep going with the no fast food thing as long as possible and try to limit my beer consumption to weekends only. I love my micro brews, but dang they account for so many empty calories. I've lost five pounds doing nothing but cutting out alcohol and changing eating habits. My running starts again this week. I didn't want to set myself up to fail completely by doing everything all at once. I'm going to see Jack's Mannequin again on Saturday night, so look out Sokol. My main objective for the night is to not pull a Scott S. and use my dishes as make shift discs for frisbee golf.
I also started guitar lessons in March. I have wanted to learn to play the bass guitar for years now and I finally took the plunge. So far I'm enjoying myself immensely and I've settled into a nightly routine of practicing while catching up on my DVR list. My instructor Hector is pretty cool too. I think when he first met me he thought I'd stick with this for about a week. I need to make plans to go see his band play one of these nights.
Have a great week gang!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Small little blurb of an update. I am now eight days into lent and I feel like a freaking masochist. I mean really, what was I thinking? I had the displeasure of going to my first concert with no frosty beverage to consume while enjoying the show. Don't get me wrong the show was still flipping amazing. I just felt a bit like a meth head surrounded by thousands of boxes of Sudafed. It was freaking everywhere! If anything this has firmed my resolve to make it through the whole 40 days.
In other news I de virginized myself over at the OBC. Go check it out, run don't walk!
In other news I de virginized myself over at the OBC. Go check it out, run don't walk!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Fat Tuesday!
The Lenten season is upon us again. I can't believe how fast this year is going! Every year I try to give up something that will be challenging and a sacrifice. In years past this has included fast food, candy, and even caffeine. No one panic, I won't be putting anyone through me in full caffeine withdrawl. Not a pretty picture, especially at work. This year I am giving up two things. First, fast food. It's not good for me and I tend to eat it far too often. It is a total lack of organization on my part. It's easy, fast, and virtually everywhere. I need to do a better job of planning and bringing something healthy to work. So today of course I binged on California Taco to hold me over for the next 40 days. LOL!
Secondly, I am giving up alcohol for 40 days. Now, I realize some of you are wondering what kind of lush is she? That's her idea of a sacrifice? No I am not a closet alcoholic. I am however a social butterfly who enjoys hanging out with her friends at every chance and I do love my micro brews. I have a rough day at work and instead of going to the gym I meet up with everyone to vent over a few beers. No more of that. So, I will essentially be happy cab for everyone.
I've started running again and I'm feeling good, so not only will these things be a challenge for me to stick to my guns, but they will be good changes. Changes that I hope to continue after the season is over.
So anyone else making a sacrifice?
Ooooh and I've had a really good idea rolling around for an OBC post since I see we are totally lacking in material. Try to check that out tomorrow.
Later gators!
Secondly, I am giving up alcohol for 40 days. Now, I realize some of you are wondering what kind of lush is she? That's her idea of a sacrifice? No I am not a closet alcoholic. I am however a social butterfly who enjoys hanging out with her friends at every chance and I do love my micro brews. I have a rough day at work and instead of going to the gym I meet up with everyone to vent over a few beers. No more of that. So, I will essentially be happy cab for everyone.
I've started running again and I'm feeling good, so not only will these things be a challenge for me to stick to my guns, but they will be good changes. Changes that I hope to continue after the season is over.
So anyone else making a sacrifice?
Ooooh and I've had a really good idea rolling around for an OBC post since I see we are totally lacking in material. Try to check that out tomorrow.
Later gators!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Brief Update
Boy, the first week of Feb has just been kicking my ass. Work has been a zoo! I updated the 2009 concerts list and tried to link the artists' website when possible. It is shaping up to be a helluva good year for shows.
Also, going to give a mini shout out to out to a side project I'm involved with. Check out the OBC. There are a few of us who are going to try to keep up this site and make it more of a current events/politics kind of blog. I hope to have something up in a day or two.
It is positively gorgeous outside and I intend to get a lot of errands/work done today. Have a great day gang!
Also, going to give a mini shout out to out to a side project I'm involved with. Check out the OBC. There are a few of us who are going to try to keep up this site and make it more of a current events/politics kind of blog. I hope to have something up in a day or two.
It is positively gorgeous outside and I intend to get a lot of errands/work done today. Have a great day gang!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Club Trillion
Run don't walk and go check out this kids blog, about life views from the end of the bench. Props go out to Quint for directing me to this hilarious blog.
Enjoy and Happy Friday!
Enjoy and Happy Friday!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The wait is over.....almost.
Okay, there are no words to explain my excitement. Seriously, NO words. How geeked out am I over Star Trek? Too many magazines, comics, books, movies, videos, hell I even own special edition collecor plates to seal my fate. I saved my ticket from Star Trek the experience so I could frame it. I have a Vulcan live long and prosper pin for my lab coat as well as my pins designating my rank for my lab coat as well. I will probably take May 8th off from work.
Andy even called to tell my about the new trailor. I am giddy with excitement and may not be able to sleep for a few hours.
So now that I have outed myself as a big Trekkie geek, feel free to flame away. I care not. Most of you already know of my love.
Have a fantastic freaking week. My work week will suck and be long, but I have faith, a new Star Trek trailor, and last but not least....LOST returns this week.
Later gators!
Andy even called to tell my about the new trailor. I am giddy with excitement and may not be able to sleep for a few hours.
So now that I have outed myself as a big Trekkie geek, feel free to flame away. I care not. Most of you already know of my love.
Have a fantastic freaking week. My work week will suck and be long, but I have faith, a new Star Trek trailor, and last but not least....LOST returns this week.
Later gators!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Apparently, snoring in my family is not limited to humans
I did feel a tiny bit guilty for taking pictures AND recording the snoring. Good grief though! I could hear him over the music I had playing. Looks like we have a "snuffy" jr in the family. When I'm working in my office he almost always sleeps under the back side of the chair. One of these days I'll forget he's down there.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Griswold Get Together

What: Griswold Get Together
When: December 20th 2008 7pm
Where: My place. If you are reading this and wondering where that is, this whole thing might be a bad fit.
Attire: You are strongly encouraged to come dressed as any of the lovable characters from any movie featuring the Giswold clan.
Details: I will be making a Turkey. 50/50 odds it will turn out. If it doesn't we will be enjoying the vodka jello mold and it will tie in nicely with the theme of the night. There will also be side dishes and plenty of Christmas cookies. Beer will also be provided. Any "cup" purchases will be donated to Toys for Tots. DESIGNATED DRIVERS ARE A MUST! Otherwise, prepare to fend for the guest bedroom or one of the couches downstairs.
Hope to see everyone there!
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