Friday, November 30, 2007

Odds and Ends

First, I am getting my Christmas decorations up today. No ifs ands or buts about it. Last year I don't think I got around to putting the tree up until half way through December.

Ellie and I are getting ready to go for a walk. We both slept in today and she is napping again. Long week for both of us.

I have my last flu shot clinic today. Whew! That was a looooooooong stretch. I received a great compliment this week from one of our long standing customers. She said that things run so much better when I'm back. She also mentioned that it was good to see someone who wasn't frazzled back there. She's right. We have to set the tone and people feed off that tone. If I'm stressed it trickles down to everyone else. Now that's not to say I don't cuss like a sailor under my breath to help keep my calm cool and collected appearance in check. One of our employee's once said they thought my boss and I strive on chaos. She re enforces our answer, we don't strive on it, we just deal with it really well. Retail pharmacy is a lot of things but predictable isn't one of them.

Earlier this week I called one of our customers to remind him he had a medicine ready to be picked up. He's 98. When I called he said, "Hey baby whats going on at the pharmacy" This is also the same man who told me I needed to wear more make up at work so I could find a man. I responded that I didn't' think my boss would think to0 highly of me trying to pick up men at work. He said he'd call him up and get it okay'd. LOL! He also said not to worry all the good looking girls find rich men and I had no need to worry. Oh he is a hoot.

Yesterday, another one of our customers was moved to hospice care. I almost cried. She called me on Wednesday night to get a script filled for her husband. She's worried about who will take care of his meds while she's gone. They've been married over 60 years. I can't even imagine. She's finally to the point where he can't take care of her anymore. I told her to write my number down on a card and to call if she needed to talk. "Oh I don't need a card I have it in my head" She usually calls at least once a day. Easily the lowest point of the week for me.

Finally, I give you something from my childhood. Minden, NE the Christmas City. Check out the link. I have some memories of freezing my ass off out there watching the pageant. I had no idea the court house was listed on the National Register of Historical Places.

It's going to be a long work weekend and Monday is definitley going to suck. So I hope everyone has a great weekend. Think of me working away.

Friday, November 16, 2007

In other news.....

Barry Bonds is indicted. Holy mamma! Five charges carrying a total of 30 years in prison and a 1 million dollar fine. Looks like whether or not the ball ends up in the Hall of Fame with an asterisk is the least of his concerns right now.

A-Rod resigns with the Yankees. Blah, blah, blah! I'm still looking for the right words to fully encompass my disgust for him.

Arizona upsets Oregon. The fans stormed the field. It was crazy and looked like one helluva good time. I had so hoped our Huskers would have one of those moments this year.

Dear, dear Katy how I have missed thee!

First things first. WARNING! Strong language and adult situations contained in the following video link. Put the ear muffs on the kids and make sure you have the volume turned waaaaay down if you are listening in at work. Now on to the juicy stuff.

Its no secret that Nebraska fans have been suffering through one of the worst seasons in recent memory. Hell, in my lifetime. The debacle two weeks ago that was supposed to be KU vs NU will unfortunately leave a bad taste in my mouth until the day I die. The video here is made by a Jay Hawk fan and one of the main stars is a very dear friend from high school. Oh the trouble Katy and I managed to get ourselves into. We played competitive softball together and traveled across many states and pissed off many. She was the queen of talking shit from right field to the opposing teams bench and then yelling at me playing second base "ain't that right seven" Its easier to run your mouth when you can't see the whites of their eyes. Although, with Katy it wouldn't have made much difference. There were even a couple fights and an issue with a girl using her cleats inappropriately while sliding into second. And one time I had the unfortunate luck of being the recipient of a kick to the nose meant for her sister. Oh good times.

Katie and I have lost touch over the years so this video totally came out of the blue. My brother heard a clip from the video on unsportsmanlike conduct yesterday. So without more reminiscing and warm fuzzies from the early nineties I give you this gem. And people thought I handled the loss badly. Way to represent NPHS class of '94 Katy. And to all you men out there, I have no idea who Nikki is. Apparently, she did her part that day.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hey Andy

I know you don't read anything on here. Thanks for being paranoid for me.

I still love you though.

Bambinos two. Chris and I finally showed up.
