I have finally taken the plunge and decided to start my own blog! It seems nearly everyone I know has a blog or a myspace account. I absolutely refuse to become a myspace junkie! I hope this will help everyone to stay in touch and up to speed on what's happening in my corner of the world! Ellie my little social chair of obedience school gives you a warm welcome and a sloppy kiss as well!
OMG she is adorable! I'm so psyched you got a blog. :)
I know, she needs to learn early on that she can't get by on her looks! Although, the cute factor has taken her pretty far. I hope you realize I blame you for this blog. First it was Haven, then it was IM'ing, now I have a friggin blog. Look what you've started.
You are never too old to have your own space.
You are never too old to have your own space. Kind of like the old guy at the club though.
Sorry kept leaving comments and wasn't reading the top that it must be appoved. Smart move.
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