Wow! It was a busy, fun, and tiring weekend. Busy, b/c it was Mother's Day weekend and I also had a concert to attend. Tiring, b/c I always give 110% to everything I do, including the random Friday night drink-a-thon. On the bright side of things we were able to have fun AND get the garage cleaned out.
My work day totally stunk on Friday. Among other things, I had to deal with a difficult customer who decided to drop a few F'bomb's on my new 19 y/o pre pharmacy student which ended with her in tears on her third day of work. I had every right to take a stern hand with her. I appreciate that there are frustrations in life, but is cussing out a kid going to make it any better? Twenty minutes into our conversation it was clear the situation wasn't improving when she decided to take it up a notch and say " You're a LIAR! I hope God strikes you down DEAD!" OOOOOOOOOOOkay then. Conversation over. She is now banned and barred from all of our stores.
Saturday I went to the Tool concert at the MidAmerica Center. I must confess I am not a huge Tool fan. I don't know that many of their songs. I was intrigued though. I have heard from several people that they put on an amazing show. Its been some time since I was at a show that was loud enough to make my liver vibrate. I'm certain at one point my pant leg moved like the guy in the RCA commercial. The funniest thing from the evening was the beginning of the show when all the lights went out right before they came on stage. Good lord it was one big bong hit. Lighters and pipes came out everywhere and it looked like one enormous lighter. Even more hilarious where the girls sitting one row down and off to my left. They dropped their "bag" and couldn't find it. I could not stop laughing. Great people watching venue. Honestly, when you leave a show and you smell like grass and you don't smoke you know there is waaaaaay too much in the air. Good times where had by all.
Sunday I traveled back to lovely G.I. for Mother's Day. It was a great day for my mother. She had a very laid back fun filled day with everyone back home. We found a lost puppy in our back yard and had to call the Humane Society. Turns out it was a dog that had been adopted from the Humane Society about a month back. I'm happy to report that Captain has been returned home safely. He was such a good dog. I vowed to adopt him if he had been abandoned. Yeah I know, I probably don't need another puppy but I'm a sucker for those sappy brown eyes.
I am now not so patiently waiting for lost to start up. Man it has been good this season! I'm pumped that we now know it will end in 2010. I am not so thrilled about the Soprano's style breaks in b/t seasons. Where will I get my lost fix until 2008? And speaking of the Soprano's, did anyone catch this weeks episode? Holly hell I did not see that one coming.
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