I posted this video early this this summer. It gives me chills and it never gets old. I'm having people over for the game tomorrow. Cheesy hash brown's make their triumphant return. Yum!
My mini vacation has been fantastic. I caught up on a ton of sleeping. The DMB show was amazing. I finally heard Best of what's around live. I nearly lost it.
Have a fabulous weekend gang!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Ellie passed with flying colors. I'm now totally relieved. I have somewhere to take her for the day. It has been a busy day. I went in before opening this morning and worked for an hour, went to Ellie's interview, the cleaning ladies came, the cable guy came, AND the Orkin guy came and checked out my spider problem. I also squeezed in a visit to the eye doctor. My doctor has one helluva sense of humor. "Well your prescription hasn't changed and for someone with your level of near sightedness that is no small victory" Wise ass.
I'm working tomorrow part of the day and then I am officially on vacation. I could start the party tonight but it has been a long week at work and we have been incredibly short staffed. I would feel bad leaving them on the start of my vacation in such bad shape.
Have a great weekend guys and gals!
I'm working tomorrow part of the day and then I am officially on vacation. I could start the party tonight but it has been a long week at work and we have been incredibly short staffed. I would feel bad leaving them on the start of my vacation in such bad shape.
Have a great weekend guys and gals!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Good luck Hats!
Well, I'm just post happy tonight. Hell, who knows when I'll be able to post again this week? I might as well do it all now. Each year I get a new hat or shirt for good luck at the start of the season. This year for my Huskers and Chiefs I bought two hats. And no Andy, I did not buy four hats all at once. I started my quest at the end of last season. I also bought a new Braves hat this week. I forgot to do it at the beginning of the season and I think they could use the extra luck. Camo was everywhere this year. No foo foo, girly, or pink hats for this gal!
Dispatches from the Island
Jorge Garcia has joined the ever growing world of blogger. Check it out here! He has some cool insight.
Let's Groove Tonight!
I was groovin Earth, Wind, and Fire style on Saturday night. The concert was soooooo much fun. I took my folks and we had a blast. No one threw a hip out, but it wasn't for a lack of effort. That was probably the largest crowd I have ever seen at stircove. The line to get in wound all the way back to the parking lot. They opened with Boogie Wonderland, Sing a Song, and Shooting Star. They closed strong with September and Let's Groove Tonight. I was definitely sad when it was over. There were three couples in front of us that were easily my parents age if not older and they were TRASHED! I remembered thinking if the concert for some reason sucked I would at least be entertained. Best quote of the night was Mr. Friendly in front of me look at me and say "hell I'd blow him" I nearly choked on my beer.
I know someone out there is going to blast me for what I'm about to say next. I realize my dog is not a child but I do feel bad leaving her at home when I work a ten hour day. Many thanks to Andy, Angie, and Carl for letting her out on my long work days. I've been trying to get her set up at a "doggie day care" type place. Good grief you'd think I was trying to get my kid into an elite kindergarten. We have an "interview" on Friday. Which irks me for multiple reasons, but mostly b/c I put the application in last week hoping I could get her in this week. I won't need this place for another two weeks after this Thursday. So I'm annoyed. Flame away.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Disney Radio
Well, I survived an outing with the girls to the baseball game AND the sleep over. I think Ellie is more tired than me. I now know more than I could have ever imagined about the Jonas brothers (Nick is apparently the cutest), Hannah Montana, and all things Disney. Whew.
I'm trying to recharge today. I've got a big staffing week next week and then I'm on VACATION! Whoo hoo! I sent papers in for Ellie to be considered at a Day Care for dogs program. I just hate when I have a ten hour day leaving her and only having occasional potty breaks. So I'm either going to get this set up for next week or send her to my parents for the week. Currently, she's hiding under my legs b/c there are utility guys on ladders in the back of the house working on utility lines. She's a brave one. Hide under me and give a little "whoof" I have to maintain contact at all times otherwise she seeks me out. It was cute the first few minutes, now 30 minutes in I'm getting a smidge annoyed.

My folks should be arriving early this afternoon. We're gonna boogie tomorrow the stircove for Earth, Wind, and Fire. Have a great weekend gang!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
DMB Tickets!
"Its the best of whats around" baby! My tickets arrived via FedEx today! WhooHoo! The FedEx guy said I was the first person to actually be home to get the tickets and was curious about when/where the show was. Must be a lot of DMB fans from Omaha making the trip. I ordered these back in May so I'm really pumped to go to the show. Its turning into an annual brother sister outing for Andy and I.
Weather providing I'm taking my boss' kids to the Omaha Royals game tonight. I hope it doesn't rain. I am leaving straight from work. I'm closing tonight b/c one of our pharmacists is going to the Slayer show in Lincoln. Is that not a hoot or what? He hasn't been to a concert in years so I told him to buy ear plugs. He will definitely need them. He can be hard of hearing now as it is.
ScriptPro is having the walk through at my store tomorrow and I'm pretty psyched. I'm planning on working until noonish and then taking the entire weekend off. This is day 11 for me and my patience is getting pretty worn down.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
ESPN Gameplan
I just placed my "early bird" order and I am set for watching college football on Saturdays. Oh yeah. Only 17 days until kick off.
And speaking of football, I can't count the many ways that I love Herm Edwards, the coach of my beloved KC Chiefs. I watched the first episode of Hard Knocks last week and I love it!
Work was a complete cluster today for reasons I'm not even going to bother getting into now. No need to increase my risk for a stroke for the second time today. Although, I will say that I had one particular gal really get in my craw today. She just could not understand that medicaid doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. "Well what am I supposed to do" I dunno, get a job perhaps? I know its just mind boggling that popping out kids for a living to get a higher monthly allowance from the state isn't exactly something you will see at a job fair or career week at school. The whole medicaid system is so abused I can't wrap my brain around it. This week I am truly working hard for the weekend. I have another glorious ten hours to look forward to tomorrow. My poor baby is going to be distraught all day.
Later gators!
And speaking of football, I can't count the many ways that I love Herm Edwards, the coach of my beloved KC Chiefs. I watched the first episode of Hard Knocks last week and I love it!
Work was a complete cluster today for reasons I'm not even going to bother getting into now. No need to increase my risk for a stroke for the second time today. Although, I will say that I had one particular gal really get in my craw today. She just could not understand that medicaid doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. "Well what am I supposed to do" I dunno, get a job perhaps? I know its just mind boggling that popping out kids for a living to get a higher monthly allowance from the state isn't exactly something you will see at a job fair or career week at school. The whole medicaid system is so abused I can't wrap my brain around it. This week I am truly working hard for the weekend. I have another glorious ten hours to look forward to tomorrow. My poor baby is going to be distraught all day.
Later gators!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Reel Big Fish
I'm feeling the love and the need to spread the music so I give you three more clips, Beer, She has a Girlfriend Now, and the remake of A-Ha's Take on Me. Warnings for loud music and language. Specifically, the F Bomb. The last two clips are from the Sokol show about a year or so ago. Enjoy!
How's it going to be.....
.....when you don't know me anymore?
The Third Eye Blind concert ROCKED Friday night. They sounded amazing and we had a chance to hear some new stuff. They've been working on a fourth album so I'm crossing my fingers that we will hear that sometime soon. It was muggy and hot as hell out but definitely worth the icky factor. Jake, Andy, Angie and I had a great sing along time. And lets not forget that Jake is the king of pantomiming/gesturing wildly during songs.
Saturday was the Reel Big Fish/Less than Jake show. Reel Big Fish are always a great show. I had never seen Less Than Jake and I wasn't disappointed. Some highlights from the show include a rocking rendition of Enter Sandman by RBF and "MASTER" as well as the mosh pit that extended all the way back to the sound station at the back of Sokol. I only have one major negative from the show and that would be the heat aka the "icky" factor. Sweat was DRIPPING from the ceiling. Literally dripping people. I was walking, sliding, navigating through nasty ass bodily fluid. I don't think Sokol has any air conditioning and they don't let anyone re enter the show. One of these days someone is going to get hurt. We almost left after RBF simply because it was so damn hot. Sokol is an old auditorium/gymnasium and it is in dire need of some upgrades. I'm not sure I'll go to a show there in August again.
Here is the pit.
The Third Eye Blind concert ROCKED Friday night. They sounded amazing and we had a chance to hear some new stuff. They've been working on a fourth album so I'm crossing my fingers that we will hear that sometime soon. It was muggy and hot as hell out but definitely worth the icky factor. Jake, Andy, Angie and I had a great sing along time. And lets not forget that Jake is the king of pantomiming/gesturing wildly during songs.
Saturday was the Reel Big Fish/Less than Jake show. Reel Big Fish are always a great show. I had never seen Less Than Jake and I wasn't disappointed. Some highlights from the show include a rocking rendition of Enter Sandman by RBF and "MASTER" as well as the mosh pit that extended all the way back to the sound station at the back of Sokol. I only have one major negative from the show and that would be the heat aka the "icky" factor. Sweat was DRIPPING from the ceiling. Literally dripping people. I was walking, sliding, navigating through nasty ass bodily fluid. I don't think Sokol has any air conditioning and they don't let anyone re enter the show. One of these days someone is going to get hurt. We almost left after RBF simply because it was so damn hot. Sokol is an old auditorium/gymnasium and it is in dire need of some upgrades. I'm not sure I'll go to a show there in August again.
Here is the pit.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Endeavor reaches orbit!
I was in fourth grade when the shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into its flight to space. I remember everything so vividly. The entire school was gathered in the library to watch the launch. I remember seeing my teacher crying and not understanding what I was watching. Yesterday, after 22 years Barbara Morgan reached her dream and carried on the legacy of Christa McAuliffe. Morgan was McAuliffe's back up and in 1988 became an astronaut full time. I watched the launch yesterday live on the web from work. From Mission Control "Morgan racing towards space on the wings of a legacy" immediately after they had passed the 73 second mark otherwise known as the go at throttle up mark. It was a beautiful moment.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
American Idol Week in Omaha
Lordy look out and avoid the downtown area around the QWest Center. They are estimating that roughly 12,000 people auditioned in Dallas last week. I have to say I'm not a fan of the show. One of my old roomies made me watch the finale when Ruben won. I couldn't have faked my enthusiasm if my life depended on it. However, I do enjoy the first run of episodes when they show all the bad singers who are obviously lacking close friends and family to tell it to them straight up. Sign up starts tomorrow and I believe auditions begin on Friday. It will be interesting to see what Omaha brings to the show.
In other news, I had a fantastic weekend off. I went out on Friday and played a few mean games of shuffleboard. For those of you who know my brother, make sure you give him a hard time about losing a game of shuffleboard to a legally blind woman. Not only did he lose, but she handed him his ass. Fortunately, he found redemption after partnering with his sister and we overcame a 13 to 3 deficit to win by one.
Saturday we hit the lake. Ellie had her first experience in the water and it was pretty cute. She's not a bad swimmer either. She did spend majority of her time sniffing around on the beach and digging up stuff. Or just laying around soaking up the sun. She likes to lay out and soak it up.
I am ever so fortunate enough to have good connections and I watched the first 2 episodes of Weeds. HOLY MOMMA! It was great. I can't wait to see how everything develops. I also have the first episode of Californication. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll like anything with DD.
I was up and at em early this morning. I was actually in the store at 6:45am. I had to clean up some stuff from yesterday and make it back into town by 8am. It felt good to be up so early, but right now all I really want is a nap.
And finally I'd like to give a shout out to G in BAH-ston for completing her second 3-Day! Check her blog for the scoop. Congrats G!
In other news, I had a fantastic weekend off. I went out on Friday and played a few mean games of shuffleboard. For those of you who know my brother, make sure you give him a hard time about losing a game of shuffleboard to a legally blind woman. Not only did he lose, but she handed him his ass. Fortunately, he found redemption after partnering with his sister and we overcame a 13 to 3 deficit to win by one.
Saturday we hit the lake. Ellie had her first experience in the water and it was pretty cute. She's not a bad swimmer either. She did spend majority of her time sniffing around on the beach and digging up stuff. Or just laying around soaking up the sun. She likes to lay out and soak it up.
I am ever so fortunate enough to have good connections and I watched the first 2 episodes of Weeds. HOLY MOMMA! It was great. I can't wait to see how everything develops. I also have the first episode of Californication. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll like anything with DD.
I was up and at em early this morning. I was actually in the store at 6:45am. I had to clean up some stuff from yesterday and make it back into town by 8am. It felt good to be up so early, but right now all I really want is a nap.
And finally I'd like to give a shout out to G in BAH-ston for completing her second 3-Day! Check her blog for the scoop. Congrats G!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Friday Joy!
So it is finally here! I have to staff and close at one of our stores today, not a huge deal. I should be done by 7pm. This is my first weekend off in four weeks. I don't care what I do just so long as I'm not in one of the stores. I might try to see the new Bourne movie tonight. I can't get to wild and crazy b/c I have I a dentist appointment at 8am. I may fall asleep while she's cleaning my teeth.
Ellie's haircut isn't a full blown disaster but it isn't good either. I've lost this post three times now so the description keeps getting shorter and shorter. I think they were going for a cross b/t a puppy cut and a summer cut. It ended up looking more like a deformed Lion cut. Seriously, she has uneven patches everywhere and weird cowlick looking thing on her belly. Jenny is off the list.
In other work news, it looks like I will be doing a radio commercial to air on one of the local radio stations. After surviving my brief television experience earlier this year with Omaha Living this should be no sweat. I could be wearing sweats and a ball cap and no one would know the difference. Sounds like my kind of job.
Later gators!
Ellie's haircut isn't a full blown disaster but it isn't good either. I've lost this post three times now so the description keeps getting shorter and shorter. I think they were going for a cross b/t a puppy cut and a summer cut. It ended up looking more like a deformed Lion cut. Seriously, she has uneven patches everywhere and weird cowlick looking thing on her belly. Jenny is off the list.
In other work news, it looks like I will be doing a radio commercial to air on one of the local radio stations. After surviving my brief television experience earlier this year with Omaha Living this should be no sweat. I could be wearing sweats and a ball cap and no one would know the difference. Sounds like my kind of job.
Later gators!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
A day "off"
Extra emphasis on "off' because I'm not really. I have a ton of stuff to get done today and I have to go into work for some inventory/ordering work. I dropped little Ellie off to get her hair cut today. I learned last week that the gal who always cuts her hair is no longer working there. I'm ashamed to admit I was a bit upset with Rachel being gone. She's Ellie's buddy. She actually enjoys going to get her hair cut. Thanks to Rachel she will now willingly get into the bath tub for a cleaning. Rachel fusses over her and gives her lots of kisses. Most of the time Ellie isn't even aware I've left. When I pick her up Rachel gives me the update on how she did. "She tried to act tough today, but we know she's not" And now its all gone. Naturally, they won't tell me where she went. I wasn't overly impressed with Jenny or her lackluster "oh she's cute" comment. I probably shouldn't hold her barb wire tattoo across her arm against her either but I am. I'm hoping Rachel took good notes b/c I don't think Jenny heard a word I said about her cut. Let's hope she doesn't come back shaved. All this fuss over my puppy, I think it will take another decade to work up to kids.
In other news, I think I have my work schedule ironed out through October. Which is a sweet freaking deal b/c I was able to schedule my three weeks of vacation time. I'm taking the last week in August off. I might go to Chicago for the weekend (Josh any updates), I will be in KC for a couple days to see DMB and possibly do some shopping. I'm also going to go crazy and clean the house and get the basement painted the last few days. September is NYC! Whoo! I'm getting a bit stressed about September though b/c it looks like our new robot will be arriving the week before I leave. I hope we can get everything ironed out before I have to leave.
Finally, August is here. Which means Earth, Wind, and Fire and the DMB show! I scored sweet reserve tickets for DMB. Andy and I will be making our third trip to Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in what is turning into our annual brother sister DMB trip. Actually, this is my fourth DMB show in three years. I have to include the Omaha show.
In other news, I think I have my work schedule ironed out through October. Which is a sweet freaking deal b/c I was able to schedule my three weeks of vacation time. I'm taking the last week in August off. I might go to Chicago for the weekend (Josh any updates), I will be in KC for a couple days to see DMB and possibly do some shopping. I'm also going to go crazy and clean the house and get the basement painted the last few days. September is NYC! Whoo! I'm getting a bit stressed about September though b/c it looks like our new robot will be arriving the week before I leave. I hope we can get everything ironed out before I have to leave.
Finally, August is here. Which means Earth, Wind, and Fire and the DMB show! I scored sweet reserve tickets for DMB. Andy and I will be making our third trip to Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in what is turning into our annual brother sister DMB trip. Actually, this is my fourth DMB show in three years. I have to include the Omaha show.
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