"Its the best of whats around" baby! My tickets arrived via FedEx today! WhooHoo! The FedEx guy said I was the first person to actually be home to get the tickets and was curious about when/where the show was. Must be a lot of DMB fans from Omaha making the trip. I ordered these back in May so I'm really pumped to go to the show. Its turning into an annual brother sister outing for Andy and I.
Weather providing I'm taking my boss' kids to the Omaha Royals game tonight. I hope it doesn't rain. I am leaving straight from work. I'm closing tonight b/c one of our pharmacists is going to the Slayer show in Lincoln. Is that not a hoot or what? He hasn't been to a concert in years so I told him to buy ear plugs. He will definitely need them. He can be hard of hearing now as it is.
ScriptPro is having the walk through at my store tomorrow and I'm pretty psyched. I'm planning on working until noonish and then taking the entire weekend off. This is day 11 for me and my patience is getting pretty worn down.
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