I am completely stunned and freaked out. You never ever imagine this kind of thing happening in your town. Westroads is two minutes from my house. I'm there all the time. Totally random violence. And some of these reporters need to take some sensitivity training. Yes, ask someone who just witnessed multiple people getting shot and killed if they can make any sense of the situation while she's sobbing.
This is just shocking. One of my coworkers informed me about this today while I was still at work.
My thoughts were immediately with everyone back home. My heart goes out to the families of the victims.
Thanks for checking in Ted. Its just so messed up when you know all the details. There is something so sterile and asepetic when it isn't in your personal space. Then it happens to you and everything comes crashing down.
I heard about this this last night and thought of you and your friends and family. Random violence is even more scary when it hits so close to home. I'm glad you're ok.
I'm sorry this happened so close to your home. I thought about you when I heard Omaha, but never realized it was so close to you. It truly was a sad situation for everyone involved.
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