Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hello 2008!

Wow! It has been forever since I posted something on here. I haven't had much positive news, or so I thought. So I have avoided being a negative Nellie. Until now, my cup runneth over.

The beginning of the new year is also known to those of us in the retail pharmacy business as HELL ON EARTH. It has been 16 days of.... I've never paid that much EVER! Why did my co pay go up? DEDUCTIBLE? What do you mean DEDUCTIBLE? Why isn't it four dollars? Aren't ALL Generics $4? At Wal-Mart they are. No I don't have a new insurance card. We get this ALL DAY EVERY DAY. On top of that I had a pharmacist quit two weeks before Christmas and he gave me exactly two weeks notice. If any PharmD candidates are reading this, it is NOT professional courtesy in our profession to give two weeks notice. Your employer will not place an ad, conduct interviews, get someone hired, AND train them in two weeks. Professional courtesy is 4 weeks, nothing less. This is important information and it might just save your life one day. I really did want to squeeze the life out of him with my bare hands. No worries though, he went to Walgreens, and I hear they hire anyone with a pulse and a license.

Now we were able to get some part time pharmacists hired. It is far from perfect because they are still learning our system. I can say this though, things are so much improved from where we were the past two years. Night and day. And 2008 is only going to get better.

I did make a few resolutions this year. I always hesitate to get too crazy with New years Resolutions. Sometimes I think its just setting ourselves up for failure. So far so good though. So here is my failure....err resolution list.

Work out consistently. Nothing is worse than working out for a few months and then stopping. The pain your body goes through. Every time I'm berating myself for the pain I'm in.

Tying in with working out more is eating less fast food and losing some weight. This requires me to be organized and actually put something together and take to work.

Drinking less. This is tough to do during Shuffleboard season. I know I can hear some of you laughing. But really, shuffleboard does require a frosty beverage. We have two more weeks left. Work can leave me very very frazzled and I need to have a better outlet for my stress than meeting up with everyone at the bar. Not that I don't enjoy that, I enjoy it too much.

Doing better with financial planning. I bought Microsoft money and I'm totally organized at this point. I received my year end credit card statement and it is scary the amount of money I spent on complete crap. My credit cards will be paid off in three months and I am going to attempt to keep them at zero balances for the rest of the year. Remember the word failure.

Getting up earlier in the morning. This is going to be the toughest of them all. Those who know me well know I love my sleep. It might be my favorite part of the day. I'm not a happy camper in the mornings. Unless of course you're Ellie. Then I'm the worlds best snuggler. And how can I be angry with a wagging tail while she's still laying down looking at me.

So now that I have put all of this in writing I hope my chances for success with be higher.


Anonymous said...

I was about to send you an email to say that you'd been slacking on your blog and lo and behold, a new post!

Good luck with your resolutions. I think that you've made some wise commitments and as long as you keep sight of your goals, you'll achieve them.

Take care.

dw said...

I've made some of the same resolutions, roonzie! Failing isn't so much a disasterous thing. There's a quote that I like that helps with those little slip ups (and everyone knows there'll be those). "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'I will try again tomorrow'."

Good luck!! And it's good to see you update this!

MMR said...

Ted and DW thank you so much for the kind words and support! DW, I have a new motto for 2008.
