FINALLY! Opening day has arrived. Of course I was working, but ah well. Life is still good. I've got the MLB package and my XM radio running. I can have baseball non-stop. This is far and away my favorite time of year. Spring isn't quite in the air yet around here, but its getting closer.
Blue Man group was phenomenal last night. The highlight of the night for me was easily the opening act Mike Relm. Run don't walk to go and check him out. He controls both the audio AND video LIVE!
Here are a few clips.
The third video is a bit long but still worth watching.
I'm trying to keep with my go to bed early theme during the week so I'm going to keep this short. Plus, I have to get up earlier enough to figure out an alternate route to Bellevue tomorrow since the most direct route will be closed for the next two freaking months.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A couple reviews
I've been so busy with work lately I forgot to post about the last two shows I attended.
First, Mamma Mia. It is no huge secret for those who know me well that I am an avid ABBA fan. I won't go into the laundry list of cd's and dvd's that I own. I had such a great time at the show. The icing on the cake for me was they played my favorite song last. If Beckie and Lisa are reading this they definitely know which song that is. I played it every morning without fail. I think Beckie once said, "could you just play any of their other songs in the morning" Well, I could and I did sometimes, but I always had to start my day off on the right foot and play my song.
I have serious boot envy going on when I watch this video. Love, love the silver boots. Not only are they fabulous and shiny but they would give me a good four extra inches. The surprising thing is the outfits in this video are tame compared to some of the others I've seen.
Next up was the Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band show! We were up in the nose bleeds dancing away. I could have cared less, the sound was amazing.
Check out this link for a set list and brief review of the show. Scroll down about three shows for the Omaha list. I couldn't find any videos from the Omaha show. This clip is from the show before at Nassau I believe. The sound isn't the greatest but its the energy of that is amazing.
First, Mamma Mia. It is no huge secret for those who know me well that I am an avid ABBA fan. I won't go into the laundry list of cd's and dvd's that I own. I had such a great time at the show. The icing on the cake for me was they played my favorite song last. If Beckie and Lisa are reading this they definitely know which song that is. I played it every morning without fail. I think Beckie once said, "could you just play any of their other songs in the morning" Well, I could and I did sometimes, but I always had to start my day off on the right foot and play my song.
I have serious boot envy going on when I watch this video. Love, love the silver boots. Not only are they fabulous and shiny but they would give me a good four extra inches. The surprising thing is the outfits in this video are tame compared to some of the others I've seen.
Next up was the Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band show! We were up in the nose bleeds dancing away. I could have cared less, the sound was amazing.
Check out this link for a set list and brief review of the show. Scroll down about three shows for the Omaha list. I couldn't find any videos from the Omaha show. This clip is from the show before at Nassau I believe. The sound isn't the greatest but its the energy of that is amazing.
Bruce Springsteen,
Mamma Mia,
The E Street Band

I can't tell you how amazing the game was tonight. The Jay's were out sized, shooting like hell, and the ref's were the worst I'd seen in a while. Now, I did DVR the game tonight so I will with hold final judgement on the officiating until I see the game on tv. I am so proud of the team tonight. They trailed all night except for approximately ten seconds. They never gave up. Great game, great atmosphere, helluva good time.
Friday, March 14, 2008
KC Trip!
I've been trying for a while now to get a trip to KC together. I've only been down there the past few years for DMB shows, stay for the concert leave the next day type of thing. Or the ill fated Big Twelve Championship game a couple years ago. I don't think I need to go into details. So this is what I propose this year.
Leave after everyone gets off work on August 1st (which is a Friday) or early Saturday morning. Head to KC. The White Sox are in town battling the Royals. There are games on Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. We can hit Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun. Spend a night downtown at the Plaza or Westport. I would also like to stay through Tuesday. Why? Because the BoSox are in town Monday through Wednesday. We could catch the Monday night game and head back to Omaha Tuesday.
What do you think? We could make a great weekend trip with little time off form work. Call, email me, or post a comment if you're interested and I can start planning to purchase tickets, ect.
Leave after everyone gets off work on August 1st (which is a Friday) or early Saturday morning. Head to KC. The White Sox are in town battling the Royals. There are games on Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. We can hit Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun. Spend a night downtown at the Plaza or Westport. I would also like to stay through Tuesday. Why? Because the BoSox are in town Monday through Wednesday. We could catch the Monday night game and head back to Omaha Tuesday.
What do you think? We could make a great weekend trip with little time off form work. Call, email me, or post a comment if you're interested and I can start planning to purchase tickets, ect.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Keeping the faith and all kinds of poop
You know, karma is a real bitch. And one day I'm going to reap the benefits of taking the high road and being the better person. I may be in my geriatric days before it ever happens but dammit I'll wait. And if someone/something looks too good to be true.......they are.
And that is the end of my negative nellie attitude for the day.
Ellie and I took a walk tonight and she did sooooooooo good. She's pulling much less and she's finally making the connection b/t pulling and choking herself. Now we need to work on how to keep her brain from short circuiting when she sees a squirrel. She has started "stalking" them from inside the house.
And speaking of Ellie, I know I kept you all hanging from last week with my "shitscicle" comment. Ellie has many nicknames, she responds immediately to Pooper. I started calling her this when I was trying to house train her and she would run downstairs and poop. The funny part about it..... Andy was living in my basement at the time and she would always take care of business in front of his bedroom door. And on a couple of occasions on his bed.
Well, my little pooper is living up to her nickname. There is crap everywhere out back. The snow has finally melted in 95% of the yard. There is no way during the dead of winter I'm going to try and pick up poop that is sinking straight to the bottom of the snow. The downside to this strategy was evident today when I spent an hour picking it all up. An hour. My poop scoop also broke. Yes, thats right. It was getting so much use today it just flat out died. She was looking at me as if to say, "you know that's my poop right? why would you collect it" She even took care of business while I was picking it up. The good news is she is very particular about where she takes care of business. Only on the outer edge of the fence and she leaves a good foot on the other side b/t her and the fence so she can exit the area without walking through it. Smart girl. Unlike someone I know who has a dog that poops two inches from the steps. Now on to the "shitscicle"
Last week I tried to take care of this but the entire back of the yard was ice and literally I could see it but couldn't get to it. I also slipped on it and nearly had a heart attack. No, I did not fall in dog doo. It was a close call though.
I know, you were all dying to hear me blog about poop. Moral to this story...There is shit everywhere in life and its unpleasant to deal with any of it. Keep your head up and get through the shit and better times will come. But I'd rather pick it up in the backyard.
And that is the end of my negative nellie attitude for the day.
Ellie and I took a walk tonight and she did sooooooooo good. She's pulling much less and she's finally making the connection b/t pulling and choking herself. Now we need to work on how to keep her brain from short circuiting when she sees a squirrel. She has started "stalking" them from inside the house.
And speaking of Ellie, I know I kept you all hanging from last week with my "shitscicle" comment. Ellie has many nicknames, she responds immediately to Pooper. I started calling her this when I was trying to house train her and she would run downstairs and poop. The funny part about it..... Andy was living in my basement at the time and she would always take care of business in front of his bedroom door. And on a couple of occasions on his bed.
Well, my little pooper is living up to her nickname. There is crap everywhere out back. The snow has finally melted in 95% of the yard. There is no way during the dead of winter I'm going to try and pick up poop that is sinking straight to the bottom of the snow. The downside to this strategy was evident today when I spent an hour picking it all up. An hour. My poop scoop also broke. Yes, thats right. It was getting so much use today it just flat out died. She was looking at me as if to say, "you know that's my poop right? why would you collect it" She even took care of business while I was picking it up. The good news is she is very particular about where she takes care of business. Only on the outer edge of the fence and she leaves a good foot on the other side b/t her and the fence so she can exit the area without walking through it. Smart girl. Unlike someone I know who has a dog that poops two inches from the steps. Now on to the "shitscicle"
Last week I tried to take care of this but the entire back of the yard was ice and literally I could see it but couldn't get to it. I also slipped on it and nearly had a heart attack. No, I did not fall in dog doo. It was a close call though.
I know, you were all dying to hear me blog about poop. Moral to this story...There is shit everywhere in life and its unpleasant to deal with any of it. Keep your head up and get through the shit and better times will come. But I'd rather pick it up in the backyard.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Not the weekend yet.....
It's only Tuesday and I'm wiped out. I need to start going to bed much earlier. Which is why I will not still be up posting and checking email after 10:30pm. No exceptions.
So I've been venturing into the world of facebook a bit. My near and dear friend Lisa got me started on the whole thing. I don't have any fancy bells and whistles on my account. Just the basics. I have a hard enough time updating this thing. I don't need to get sucked into the online world of facebook. And I still hold firm and refuse to join Myspace. Although, with facebook it is nice to give a quick shout to friends and family. And who knew I had so many family members using this new fangled technology? Well, three really shouldn't be called many, but I don't get the chance to talk with them often so it feels like so much more.
Okay, in order to keep my firm deadline of 10:30pm I need to cut this short. Tune in tomorrow however for my horrendous story about a girl who wandered into a land not so far away called "shitsville" and nearly slipped and fell on a a "shitscicle" Yes, I know.....language. I'll warn you all to put your kiddie blinders on for the post tomorrow.
Sleep tight everyone!
So I've been venturing into the world of facebook a bit. My near and dear friend Lisa got me started on the whole thing. I don't have any fancy bells and whistles on my account. Just the basics. I have a hard enough time updating this thing. I don't need to get sucked into the online world of facebook. And I still hold firm and refuse to join Myspace. Although, with facebook it is nice to give a quick shout to friends and family. And who knew I had so many family members using this new fangled technology? Well, three really shouldn't be called many, but I don't get the chance to talk with them often so it feels like so much more.
Okay, in order to keep my firm deadline of 10:30pm I need to cut this short. Tune in tomorrow however for my horrendous story about a girl who wandered into a land not so far away called "shitsville" and nearly slipped and fell on a a "shitscicle" Yes, I know.....language. I'll warn you all to put your kiddie blinders on for the post tomorrow.
Sleep tight everyone!
Monday, March 3, 2008
What a long, long, oh so long day. I've got to get up early again, and attempt to get more done than I did today. Monday's are always a crap shoot. We're so freaking busy just trying to keep up with work flow that its nearly impossible to get other stuff done.
Work story for the day. I did not expect a 70 something woman to pull down her britches to show me the rash that was in the vicinity of her groin. More unexpected was the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Priceless was the look on her friends face. I bet she wasn't banking on that show when she agreed to take her to the store. Ah yes, geriatric modesty at its finest. "I had no idea it was that bad" No idea indeed lady. I'm telling you, I could be one helluva poker player if I can keep a straight face through that. She was pissed the doctor hadn't given her a script for "an itch cream" and was ready to walk away without the pills he prescribed. Lordy. The guy behind the two of them was trying real hard not to listen and he was looking everywhere but at her once the pants started to come down. When she's shouting "look at this" with her pants half down no patient privacy sign stands a flipping chance. You can stand back there behind the sign but privacy left the building. Along with a few more years of my life.
On the upside of things she was oh so pleased that after giving her fine patient counseling I also finished writing out her check for her AND I had also written it into the register. "Oh you're such a good young girl" Rough translation, she's anal retentive about her checkbook like I am. I try, but really lets think about carbon copy checks just in case not every girl is as "nice" as I am.
So to all my family and friends, when you wonder why I seem so impatient or irritated with you for the littlest thing, remember that I used 99.9% of my patience up at work. Its also possible that I've seen something that could give me nightmares.
Work story for the day. I did not expect a 70 something woman to pull down her britches to show me the rash that was in the vicinity of her groin. More unexpected was the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Priceless was the look on her friends face. I bet she wasn't banking on that show when she agreed to take her to the store. Ah yes, geriatric modesty at its finest. "I had no idea it was that bad" No idea indeed lady. I'm telling you, I could be one helluva poker player if I can keep a straight face through that. She was pissed the doctor hadn't given her a script for "an itch cream" and was ready to walk away without the pills he prescribed. Lordy. The guy behind the two of them was trying real hard not to listen and he was looking everywhere but at her once the pants started to come down. When she's shouting "look at this" with her pants half down no patient privacy sign stands a flipping chance. You can stand back there behind the sign but privacy left the building. Along with a few more years of my life.
On the upside of things she was oh so pleased that after giving her fine patient counseling I also finished writing out her check for her AND I had also written it into the register. "Oh you're such a good young girl" Rough translation, she's anal retentive about her checkbook like I am. I try, but really lets think about carbon copy checks just in case not every girl is as "nice" as I am.
So to all my family and friends, when you wonder why I seem so impatient or irritated with you for the littlest thing, remember that I used 99.9% of my patience up at work. Its also possible that I've seen something that could give me nightmares.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The quest for just one pint!
"The one, the one, don't go for the one" I had a fabulous few days of concerts. I was due for some fun. I had come down with the flu last week and felt like the underside of shoe with dog poop on it. More on that later.
First up on Thursday was Gaelic Storm. I was mighty impressed. I even bought their CD, and frankly I can't remember the last time I actually bought a CD. If Irish music isn't your cup of tea this band probably isn't for you. I however had a BLAST!
Here is the one of the videos Josh took from the show.
And my favorite song of the evening Don't go for the one. Josh was having a hella good time singing as well ;-).
Next up was the They Might Be Giants show with Oppenheimer. And no, I don't mean the investment group. Oppenheimer is a two man show and WOW! They can definitely rock it.
The down side to the show was there was absolutely NO video. So I'm linking one of their music videos from youtube.
And last but not least we have A Birdhouse in your Soul. I have wanted to see these guys for ages. Someone was able to capture a great video at the Omaha show!
And a kick ass guitar solo that leads into Istanbul from the show in Madison.
These shows were all at the Slowdown in downtown Omaha. I hope they continue to book great shows. We capped off the night by heading to Old Chicago and according to Andy we "never go anywhere fun" but we managed to get by.
Well, I'm currently up waiting for my last load of laundry to finish up. I've got big day at work tomorrow. I want to get up and at em early. I'll save the rest of my ramblings for later this week.
First up on Thursday was Gaelic Storm. I was mighty impressed. I even bought their CD, and frankly I can't remember the last time I actually bought a CD. If Irish music isn't your cup of tea this band probably isn't for you. I however had a BLAST!
Here is the one of the videos Josh took from the show.
And my favorite song of the evening Don't go for the one. Josh was having a hella good time singing as well ;-).
Next up was the They Might Be Giants show with Oppenheimer. And no, I don't mean the investment group. Oppenheimer is a two man show and WOW! They can definitely rock it.
The down side to the show was there was absolutely NO video. So I'm linking one of their music videos from youtube.
And last but not least we have A Birdhouse in your Soul. I have wanted to see these guys for ages. Someone was able to capture a great video at the Omaha show!
And a kick ass guitar solo that leads into Istanbul from the show in Madison.
These shows were all at the Slowdown in downtown Omaha. I hope they continue to book great shows. We capped off the night by heading to Old Chicago and according to Andy we "never go anywhere fun" but we managed to get by.
Well, I'm currently up waiting for my last load of laundry to finish up. I've got big day at work tomorrow. I want to get up and at em early. I'll save the rest of my ramblings for later this week.
Gaelic Storm,
The Slowdown,
They Might be Giants
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