What a long, long, oh so long day. I've got to get up early again, and attempt to get more done than I did today. Monday's are always a crap shoot. We're so freaking busy just trying to keep up with work flow that its nearly impossible to get other stuff done.
Work story for the day. I did not expect a 70 something woman to pull down her britches to show me the rash that was in the vicinity of her groin. More unexpected was the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Priceless was the look on her friends face. I bet she wasn't banking on that show when she agreed to take her to the store. Ah yes, geriatric modesty at its finest. "I had no idea it was that bad" No idea indeed lady. I'm telling you, I could be one helluva poker player if I can keep a straight face through that. She was pissed the doctor hadn't given her a script for "an itch cream" and was ready to walk away without the pills he prescribed. Lordy. The guy behind the two of them was trying real hard not to listen and he was looking everywhere but at her once the pants started to come down. When she's shouting "look at this" with her pants half down no patient privacy sign stands a flipping chance. You can stand back there behind the sign but privacy left the building. Along with a few more years of my life.
On the upside of things she was oh so pleased that after giving her fine patient counseling I also finished writing out her check for her AND I had also written it into the register. "Oh you're such a good young girl" Rough translation, she's anal retentive about her checkbook like I am. I try, but really lets think about carbon copy checks just in case not every girl is as "nice" as I am.
So to all my family and friends, when you wonder why I seem so impatient or irritated with you for the littlest thing, remember that I used 99.9% of my patience up at work. Its also possible that I've seen something that could give me nightmares.
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