"Well FUCK IT! I'll just stay sick then" Said in response to telling a patient there was nothing over the counter to cure strep throat.
"The price of meth has been going up" Not sure how that topic was started since I was on the phone with an insurance company. I do know you shouldn't be purchasing Sudafed while making those kinds of comments. I really wish I hadn't been on the phone.
I got a call last night at 3:30am from a person who told me they needed help because a pink unicorn was knocking over gnomes in their front yard. After a long pause I told them to contact their doctor. They said that their doctor was asleep and I should give them something. I told them to go to the emergency room. The guy said he thought that was kind of drastic to solve the problem of pink unicorns knocking on his door. I told him I couldn't dispense medications unless prescribed by a doctor. He thanked me and apologized for waisting my time. I considered for a moment to recommend calling animal control, but thought it best not to. Oh the joy of being an overnight pharmacist.
Wow! That is one helluva bad trip. A pink unicorn?!? I'm telling you we should put together a book. I know it would be a NY Times best seller.
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