Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hillbilly Horseshoes

The name of the game really says it all. Apparently, this game goes by more than one name. I was particularly fond of testicle toss. heh. Anyhow, I had my formal introduction to the game last night. All you need is some PVC, rope, and some golf balls. I would like to add that I kick A$$! My partner Brandon and I were undefeated for the night. Must be beginners luck.

I've got a big day planned! I'm heading out to the gym and then off to work for a couple hours. Oooh I love inventory days. Can you feel the sarcasm? I hope to get a walk in for Ellie to tire her out a bit. Tonight a bunch of us are going to the Billy Joel concert and I want to make sure she's tuckered out and sleeping while we're away.

Later Gators!


Gina said...

Did you know you have a typo in your url for the blog?


I was trying to manually type it in my browser and was like, "WTF, I swear that is what she called it..."

I am linking you babe.


MMR said...

yes, yes, the spelling quenn over here has struck again. I actually sent an email out about that little fact. I must not have your correct email. Good thing I'm not and English teacher.

Gina said...

Actually, I did that email, I just didn't read it too thoroughly because I had already known about the blog. :)