Friday, December 12, 2008

Gimme Gimme a man after midnight.....

Holy Mary Mother of God, I just discovered the coolest thing ever. Wait for it....


Yep, that's right. Channel 31 ABBA radio. Andy, let me just say you are damn lucky I had no idea about this channel when we were staffing together. For anyone else working with me look out, everyone is about to get an appreciation for some fine music. I'm telling you I was born too late, I needed to really experience the 70's.

I'm sitting here giddy as all get out working on scheduling, and syncing my new blackberry up. This thing is freaking sweet. Visual voice mail rocks, and I love getting updates on my emails.

Who knew I could enjoy working at 6pm on a Friday. Just give me some ABBA and I'm GOLD!

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