Von Maur reopened yesterday, fifteen days after the deadly shooting spree. I was a bit surprised they re opened before Christmas but I am glad to see them trying to move forward. I was thrilled to see so many people turned out to show their support. I can't imagine how incredibly difficult it must be for those store employees to return to work. In this day and age of news broadcasting its incredibly easy to get sensory overload on these kinds of events. The chilling 911 calls with sounds of gunfire in the background, the images of people fleeing the store. All of these things make it that much more difficult. I plan on going to Westroads and Von Maur today. I haven't been to the mall since this happened. I need to go there to support those employees and I need to do it for myself. We can't let some deranged madman define how we live. Thanks for all the kind words for those of you who called, emailed, or left comments here.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Lost returns Jauary 31st 2008!
Check out the latest gem from over at DarkUFO.....
Holy hell this looks good! You should also head over to the trailer section of Dark's website to check out the mobisodes. The mobisode Room 23 definitely made my jaw drop.
Holy hell this looks good! You should also head over to the trailer section of Dark's website to check out the mobisodes. The mobisode Room 23 definitely made my jaw drop.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Trans Siberian Orchestra rocks out to Carl Orff!
Trans Siberian Orchestra, can I hear a huge whoo hoo? I LOVE LOVE his work. Here are clips for the highlight of my night at this show. Very similar performance in Omaha. I will post more on my craptastic day and a review of this week later! At least I had a blast with Josh and Angie at the show! Enjoy!
And one more with a little bit more detail and better sound. Can't see the light show as well though.
And for Angie, b/c the girl next to her had ear plugs in AND covered her ears. And still no signs of life, even through this song.
Finally, any band that rocks out with a bitchin hot pink electric violin is good by me. Check out Anna Phoebe.

And one more with a little bit more detail and better sound. Can't see the light show as well though.
And for Angie, b/c the girl next to her had ear plugs in AND covered her ears. And still no signs of life, even through this song.
Finally, any band that rocks out with a bitchin hot pink electric violin is good by me. Check out Anna Phoebe.

Carl Orff,
Proud Mary,
Trans Siberian Orchestra
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Westroads Shooting
I am completely stunned and freaked out. You never ever imagine this kind of thing happening in your town. Westroads is two minutes from my house. I'm there all the time. Totally random violence. And some of these reporters need to take some sensitivity training. Yes, ask someone who just witnessed multiple people getting shot and killed if they can make any sense of the situation while she's sobbing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Christmas came early this year
Sunday, December 2, 2007
If you aren't watching any of the Showtime original series...........stop what you are doing and get your hands on some of these episodes! Itunes, amazonUnBox, or get a subscription. I don't watch a damn thing on Cinemax and HBO has left me longing for more lately. I am completely hooked on Weeds, Brotherhood, and Dexter. Dexter has me on the edge of my seat every Sunday! I was hesitant to see Michael C. Hall after Six Feet Under, but he is doing an amazing job as Dexter Morgan. Brotherhood is everything the Soprano's should have been. And the entire cast is amazing! I have only seen a handful of episodes from the Tudors but I plan to catch up this spring. Last but not least it is great to see David Duchovny back! Californication had me busting a gut on more than one occasion. And to top things off the ad's are freaking brilliant.
Check it out, the best shit on television. Warning, strong language and adult situations ahead!
Check it out, the best shit on television. Warning, strong language and adult situations ahead!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Odds and Ends
First, I am getting my Christmas decorations up today. No ifs ands or buts about it. Last year I don't think I got around to putting the tree up until half way through December.
Ellie and I are getting ready to go for a walk. We both slept in today and she is napping again. Long week for both of us.
I have my last flu shot clinic today. Whew! That was a looooooooong stretch. I received a great compliment this week from one of our long standing customers. She said that things run so much better when I'm back. She also mentioned that it was good to see someone who wasn't frazzled back there. She's right. We have to set the tone and people feed off that tone. If I'm stressed it trickles down to everyone else. Now that's not to say I don't cuss like a sailor under my breath to help keep my calm cool and collected appearance in check. One of our employee's once said they thought my boss and I strive on chaos. She re enforces our answer, we don't strive on it, we just deal with it really well. Retail pharmacy is a lot of things but predictable isn't one of them.
Earlier this week I called one of our customers to remind him he had a medicine ready to be picked up. He's 98. When I called he said, "Hey baby whats going on at the pharmacy" This is also the same man who told me I needed to wear more make up at work so I could find a man. I responded that I didn't' think my boss would think to0 highly of me trying to pick up men at work. He said he'd call him up and get it okay'd. LOL! He also said not to worry all the good looking girls find rich men and I had no need to worry. Oh he is a hoot.
Yesterday, another one of our customers was moved to hospice care. I almost cried. She called me on Wednesday night to get a script filled for her husband. She's worried about who will take care of his meds while she's gone. They've been married over 60 years. I can't even imagine. She's finally to the point where he can't take care of her anymore. I told her to write my number down on a card and to call if she needed to talk. "Oh I don't need a card I have it in my head" She usually calls at least once a day. Easily the lowest point of the week for me.
Finally, I give you something from my childhood. Minden, NE the Christmas City. Check out the link. I have some memories of freezing my ass off out there watching the pageant. I had no idea the court house was listed on the National Register of Historical Places.
It's going to be a long work weekend and Monday is definitley going to suck. So I hope everyone has a great weekend. Think of me working away.
Ellie and I are getting ready to go for a walk. We both slept in today and she is napping again. Long week for both of us.
I have my last flu shot clinic today. Whew! That was a looooooooong stretch. I received a great compliment this week from one of our long standing customers. She said that things run so much better when I'm back. She also mentioned that it was good to see someone who wasn't frazzled back there. She's right. We have to set the tone and people feed off that tone. If I'm stressed it trickles down to everyone else. Now that's not to say I don't cuss like a sailor under my breath to help keep my calm cool and collected appearance in check. One of our employee's once said they thought my boss and I strive on chaos. She re enforces our answer, we don't strive on it, we just deal with it really well. Retail pharmacy is a lot of things but predictable isn't one of them.
Earlier this week I called one of our customers to remind him he had a medicine ready to be picked up. He's 98. When I called he said, "Hey baby whats going on at the pharmacy" This is also the same man who told me I needed to wear more make up at work so I could find a man. I responded that I didn't' think my boss would think to0 highly of me trying to pick up men at work. He said he'd call him up and get it okay'd. LOL! He also said not to worry all the good looking girls find rich men and I had no need to worry. Oh he is a hoot.
Yesterday, another one of our customers was moved to hospice care. I almost cried. She called me on Wednesday night to get a script filled for her husband. She's worried about who will take care of his meds while she's gone. They've been married over 60 years. I can't even imagine. She's finally to the point where he can't take care of her anymore. I told her to write my number down on a card and to call if she needed to talk. "Oh I don't need a card I have it in my head" She usually calls at least once a day. Easily the lowest point of the week for me.
Finally, I give you something from my childhood. Minden, NE the Christmas City. Check out the link. I have some memories of freezing my ass off out there watching the pageant. I had no idea the court house was listed on the National Register of Historical Places.
It's going to be a long work weekend and Monday is definitley going to suck. So I hope everyone has a great weekend. Think of me working away.
Friday, November 16, 2007
In other news.....
Barry Bonds is indicted. Holy mamma! Five charges carrying a total of 30 years in prison and a 1 million dollar fine. Looks like whether or not the ball ends up in the Hall of Fame with an asterisk is the least of his concerns right now.
A-Rod resigns with the Yankees. Blah, blah, blah! I'm still looking for the right words to fully encompass my disgust for him.
Arizona upsets Oregon. The fans stormed the field. It was crazy and looked like one helluva good time. I had so hoped our Huskers would have one of those moments this year.
A-Rod resigns with the Yankees. Blah, blah, blah! I'm still looking for the right words to fully encompass my disgust for him.
Arizona upsets Oregon. The fans stormed the field. It was crazy and looked like one helluva good time. I had so hoped our Huskers would have one of those moments this year.
Dear, dear Katy how I have missed thee!
First things first. WARNING! Strong language and adult situations contained in the following video link. Put the ear muffs on the kids and make sure you have the volume turned waaaaay down if you are listening in at work. Now on to the juicy stuff.
Its no secret that Nebraska fans have been suffering through one of the worst seasons in recent memory. Hell, in my lifetime. The debacle two weeks ago that was supposed to be KU vs NU will unfortunately leave a bad taste in my mouth until the day I die. The video here is made by a Jay Hawk fan and one of the main stars is a very dear friend from high school. Oh the trouble Katy and I managed to get ourselves into. We played competitive softball together and traveled across many states and pissed off many. She was the queen of talking shit from right field to the opposing teams bench and then yelling at me playing second base "ain't that right seven" Its easier to run your mouth when you can't see the whites of their eyes. Although, with Katy it wouldn't have made much difference. There were even a couple fights and an issue with a girl using her cleats inappropriately while sliding into second. And one time I had the unfortunate luck of being the recipient of a kick to the nose meant for her sister. Oh good times.
Katie and I have lost touch over the years so this video totally came out of the blue. My brother heard a clip from the video on unsportsmanlike conduct yesterday. So without more reminiscing and warm fuzzies from the early nineties I give you this gem. And people thought I handled the loss badly. Way to represent NPHS class of '94 Katy. And to all you men out there, I have no idea who Nikki is. Apparently, she did her part that day.
Its no secret that Nebraska fans have been suffering through one of the worst seasons in recent memory. Hell, in my lifetime. The debacle two weeks ago that was supposed to be KU vs NU will unfortunately leave a bad taste in my mouth until the day I die. The video here is made by a Jay Hawk fan and one of the main stars is a very dear friend from high school. Oh the trouble Katy and I managed to get ourselves into. We played competitive softball together and traveled across many states and pissed off many. She was the queen of talking shit from right field to the opposing teams bench and then yelling at me playing second base "ain't that right seven" Its easier to run your mouth when you can't see the whites of their eyes. Although, with Katy it wouldn't have made much difference. There were even a couple fights and an issue with a girl using her cleats inappropriately while sliding into second. And one time I had the unfortunate luck of being the recipient of a kick to the nose meant for her sister. Oh good times.
Katie and I have lost touch over the years so this video totally came out of the blue. My brother heard a clip from the video on unsportsmanlike conduct yesterday. So without more reminiscing and warm fuzzies from the early nineties I give you this gem. And people thought I handled the loss badly. Way to represent NPHS class of '94 Katy. And to all you men out there, I have no idea who Nikki is. Apparently, she did her part that day.
A day in the life of Husker Nation,
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Austin bound!
In t-minus two hours and counting. I'm totally jazzed/wired and can't sleep. I NEED to sleep. Josh and I are first shift drivers. ugh. driving, 12 hours, with my bro in the car as well.
Watch for us on TV! ABC 2:30 CDT kickoff!
Keep the faith and don't stop believ-N!
Watch for us on TV! ABC 2:30 CDT kickoff!
Keep the faith and don't stop believ-N!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sox Dance Off
I believe all this action was for clinching the regular season. I can only imagine the kind of jig we will see for making it to the Series. I wonder what they are calling this in Boston? The 'Bon, Riverbon, Papledance?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Spinning my wheels
I've been back from vacation for approximately one week and I feel as though I've been spinning my wheels and getting nothing done. I've started half my to do list and finished maybe two things out of the 20+ on the damn list.
In other work news I'm going to share a conversation I had with a patient yesterday. One of my tech's puts the phone on hold and says to me "I tried really hard but I am just not getting through to him" Of course I want to know what isn't getting through. He wanted to "negotiate" a lower price for his Spiriva Inhaler. He has a medicare part D card that gives it to him for the affordable independent pharmacy violating co pay price of $28 and it retails for approximately $150.
Me: What can I do for you sir
Him: I want to know how I can get a negotiated price on my Inhaler.
Me: I'm sorry sir, but that is the price your insurance has set up.
Him: But I want to negotiated a lower price. How do we proceed.
Me: Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is pay $28.
Him: What do you think this costs in Canada?
Me: I don't know sir. I'm not a registered pharmacist working in Canada.
Him: But I bet you know its lower than $28
Me: Well, I don't know about that. I suppose you could take a bus trip to Canada to find out.
Him: So what kind of discount are you going to give me?
Me: Sir, really I can't do anything. Your insurance card already reimbursed me $3.00 BELOW the ACTUAL DRUG COST. I can't take anything more off the price.
Him: So you're telling me you're not making money off of me. I find it hard to believe. What do you do make it all up on my other scripts?
Me: No sir, I am not trying to rob you of all your money with one prescription.
Him: Well $28 is pretty steep. I find it hard to believe. How about you take another ten dollars off?
At this point I can feel the vein in my neck and forehead just jumping out of my skin.
Me: I just explained that I'm already losing money and now you want me to take $10 dollars off?
Him: Whats ten more dollars when you aren't making anything in the first place?
Me: Okay here is the deal you can pay full cost of $150 or pay $28 you decide which "negotiated" price you'd like to take.
Him: So that's it.
Me: Yes that's it.
Sadly this conversation was not someone pulling my chain. And people wonder why I drink. I have dozens of these kinds of phone calls everyday. You know why the insurance companies have such lengthy automated phone systems? They want you to give up in complete and utter desperation. That way they never have to deal directly or indirectly with the people they are screwing, I mean insuring. So the next best choice is for everyone with a gripe about the effed up health care system is to take it out on the already spread too thin jack of all health care trades..............the retail pharmacist.
Go ahead. Rip and flame away. I hope you walk away feeling better about your situation. Damn right you put those pharmacy folks in their place. Who are we to say you can't get brand name Darvocet for $3 anyway? Even better, throw your receipts back at us and call us "you people" My personal all time favorite derogatory remark. From now on I'm going to assume "you people" is referring to the high percentage of people who are far more educated than the person flinging the insults from across the counter. I may just have to adopt my own "you people" group to complete the ugly circle. I wish "you people" would stop screaming about how your purple pill out to be laced with gold. Didn't you know that's what the stripes were on the outside? How bout them apples?
Okay, to set the record straight.
1. I feel much better.
2. I don't really think about this stuff every single second while at work. Just every hour of my shift.
3. I do love my job and the patients I serve. Sometimes I'm just pushed to my very limits. Much like I imagine my brother and I did to our parents. And I think they still love us. Dad affectionately calls us 'roid #1 and #2.
4. The red haired, spunky, 76 y/o irish gal who came up to the counter and said yes I'd like to pick up my prescription. She told my tech her name was Jose Cuervo. There is still hope out there.
I'll leave you all with some laughs. Check out this clip for some Lost bloopers.
"I feel like Darth Vader"
Whew this was a long one. Thanks for sticking with me and sorry for all my bad grammer and poor sentence structure. Its late and I could give a crap less if it annoys anyone reading this blog.
Hugs and kisses everyone!
In other work news I'm going to share a conversation I had with a patient yesterday. One of my tech's puts the phone on hold and says to me "I tried really hard but I am just not getting through to him" Of course I want to know what isn't getting through. He wanted to "negotiate" a lower price for his Spiriva Inhaler. He has a medicare part D card that gives it to him for the affordable independent pharmacy violating co pay price of $28 and it retails for approximately $150.
Me: What can I do for you sir
Him: I want to know how I can get a negotiated price on my Inhaler.
Me: I'm sorry sir, but that is the price your insurance has set up.
Him: But I want to negotiated a lower price. How do we proceed.
Me: Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is pay $28.
Him: What do you think this costs in Canada?
Me: I don't know sir. I'm not a registered pharmacist working in Canada.
Him: But I bet you know its lower than $28
Me: Well, I don't know about that. I suppose you could take a bus trip to Canada to find out.
Him: So what kind of discount are you going to give me?
Me: Sir, really I can't do anything. Your insurance card already reimbursed me $3.00 BELOW the ACTUAL DRUG COST. I can't take anything more off the price.
Him: So you're telling me you're not making money off of me. I find it hard to believe. What do you do make it all up on my other scripts?
Me: No sir, I am not trying to rob you of all your money with one prescription.
Him: Well $28 is pretty steep. I find it hard to believe. How about you take another ten dollars off?
At this point I can feel the vein in my neck and forehead just jumping out of my skin.
Me: I just explained that I'm already losing money and now you want me to take $10 dollars off?
Him: Whats ten more dollars when you aren't making anything in the first place?
Me: Okay here is the deal you can pay full cost of $150 or pay $28 you decide which "negotiated" price you'd like to take.
Him: So that's it.
Me: Yes that's it.
Sadly this conversation was not someone pulling my chain. And people wonder why I drink. I have dozens of these kinds of phone calls everyday. You know why the insurance companies have such lengthy automated phone systems? They want you to give up in complete and utter desperation. That way they never have to deal directly or indirectly with the people they are screwing, I mean insuring. So the next best choice is for everyone with a gripe about the effed up health care system is to take it out on the already spread too thin jack of all health care trades..............the retail pharmacist.
Go ahead. Rip and flame away. I hope you walk away feeling better about your situation. Damn right you put those pharmacy folks in their place. Who are we to say you can't get brand name Darvocet for $3 anyway? Even better, throw your receipts back at us and call us "you people" My personal all time favorite derogatory remark. From now on I'm going to assume "you people" is referring to the high percentage of people who are far more educated than the person flinging the insults from across the counter. I may just have to adopt my own "you people" group to complete the ugly circle. I wish "you people" would stop screaming about how your purple pill out to be laced with gold. Didn't you know that's what the stripes were on the outside? How bout them apples?
Okay, to set the record straight.
1. I feel much better.
2. I don't really think about this stuff every single second while at work. Just every hour of my shift.
3. I do love my job and the patients I serve. Sometimes I'm just pushed to my very limits. Much like I imagine my brother and I did to our parents. And I think they still love us. Dad affectionately calls us 'roid #1 and #2.
4. The red haired, spunky, 76 y/o irish gal who came up to the counter and said yes I'd like to pick up my prescription. She told my tech her name was Jose Cuervo. There is still hope out there.
I'll leave you all with some laughs. Check out this clip for some Lost bloopers.
"I feel like Darth Vader"
Whew this was a long one. Thanks for sticking with me and sorry for all my bad grammer and poor sentence structure. Its late and I could give a crap less if it annoys anyone reading this blog.
Hugs and kisses everyone!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
NYC post #2
I'm having a great time here in the city. Yesterday we did a lot of walking, walking, and more walking. The highlight for me was St. Patricks cathedral. Can you say wow! I also found a beautiful rosary. Not much time to post too much. I'll leave you with a picture. I hope to breakdown some highlights of the trip in more detail when I get home.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Greetings from NYC!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Really. Really. Disgusted. Dating back to October of 2001 it seems like every nationally televised game we are getting blown out in front of the nation. Whats worse about tonight? We're getting our asses handed to us by more than 30 points AT HOME and it isn't even the fourth quarter yet.
Thanks for nothing Kevin Fucking Cosgrove. Hand the ball off to anyone and let them run up the middle for 9+ yards every freaking time. Did our linebackers even show up tonight? Nice adjustments at the half as usual. I had no idea our run defense was so bad. I can't remember the last time I wanted to stop watching a Husker game in the third.
Its hard to keep the faith right now. But I bleed big red. And right now someone has cut my jugular. I'm a universal donor, but can anyone step up and help me? I think I'm past a transfusion and in need of a heart transplant.
Thanks for nothing Kevin Fucking Cosgrove. Hand the ball off to anyone and let them run up the middle for 9+ yards every freaking time. Did our linebackers even show up tonight? Nice adjustments at the half as usual. I had no idea our run defense was so bad. I can't remember the last time I wanted to stop watching a Husker game in the third.
Its hard to keep the faith right now. But I bleed big red. And right now someone has cut my jugular. I'm a universal donor, but can anyone step up and help me? I think I'm past a transfusion and in need of a heart transplant.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Jail Bird
Otherwise known as Ellie. So the other day I didn't get the doggie gate locked in place and she knocked it over. Only fatality was the laundry room rug. Today, I came home after two hours of work and she met me at the door. Her gate was still up. She's one helluva jumper but it hasn't quite clicked in her mind that she can hurdle the gate. At least until now. She scooted her bed all the way across the room and used it to propel herself up and over. I'm sure she could do it without the bed but I don't want her to figure that out anytime soon. From the looks of it she took her toy with her and slept on my pillow for a couple hours. I am going to have to re evaluate her quarters when I am away.
Every condition requires a prescription
I had forgotten about this little gem. I sent this one out last year so some of you may have seen this.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Day of Conception
I'm really at a loss for this one. I mean have a baby and get a car?!? Does that really beat 0%APR or cash back options in the long run? And isn't this unofficially recognized world wide as New Year's Eve?
Read more here.
I am forcing myself to be in bed at 11pm. I haven't been sleeping all that well and I've got a ten hour shift tomorrow. I've been working double time to get things ready for the scriptpro install on Saturday. These kinds of things never go smooth, well planned or not. I like to at least make the effort on the off chance I could get lucky and things would go well.
Read more here.
I am forcing myself to be in bed at 11pm. I haven't been sleeping all that well and I've got a ten hour shift tomorrow. I've been working double time to get things ready for the scriptpro install on Saturday. These kinds of things never go smooth, well planned or not. I like to at least make the effort on the off chance I could get lucky and things would go well.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Go Big Red!
I posted this video early this this summer. It gives me chills and it never gets old. I'm having people over for the game tomorrow. Cheesy hash brown's make their triumphant return. Yum!
My mini vacation has been fantastic. I caught up on a ton of sleeping. The DMB show was amazing. I finally heard Best of what's around live. I nearly lost it.
Have a fabulous weekend gang!
My mini vacation has been fantastic. I caught up on a ton of sleeping. The DMB show was amazing. I finally heard Best of what's around live. I nearly lost it.
Have a fabulous weekend gang!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Ellie passed with flying colors. I'm now totally relieved. I have somewhere to take her for the day. It has been a busy day. I went in before opening this morning and worked for an hour, went to Ellie's interview, the cleaning ladies came, the cable guy came, AND the Orkin guy came and checked out my spider problem. I also squeezed in a visit to the eye doctor. My doctor has one helluva sense of humor. "Well your prescription hasn't changed and for someone with your level of near sightedness that is no small victory" Wise ass.
I'm working tomorrow part of the day and then I am officially on vacation. I could start the party tonight but it has been a long week at work and we have been incredibly short staffed. I would feel bad leaving them on the start of my vacation in such bad shape.
Have a great weekend guys and gals!
I'm working tomorrow part of the day and then I am officially on vacation. I could start the party tonight but it has been a long week at work and we have been incredibly short staffed. I would feel bad leaving them on the start of my vacation in such bad shape.
Have a great weekend guys and gals!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Good luck Hats!
Well, I'm just post happy tonight. Hell, who knows when I'll be able to post again this week? I might as well do it all now. Each year I get a new hat or shirt for good luck at the start of the season. This year for my Huskers and Chiefs I bought two hats. And no Andy, I did not buy four hats all at once. I started my quest at the end of last season. I also bought a new Braves hat this week. I forgot to do it at the beginning of the season and I think they could use the extra luck. Camo was everywhere this year. No foo foo, girly, or pink hats for this gal!
Dispatches from the Island
Jorge Garcia has joined the ever growing world of blogger. Check it out here! He has some cool insight.
Let's Groove Tonight!
I was groovin Earth, Wind, and Fire style on Saturday night. The concert was soooooo much fun. I took my folks and we had a blast. No one threw a hip out, but it wasn't for a lack of effort. That was probably the largest crowd I have ever seen at stircove. The line to get in wound all the way back to the parking lot. They opened with Boogie Wonderland, Sing a Song, and Shooting Star. They closed strong with September and Let's Groove Tonight. I was definitely sad when it was over. There were three couples in front of us that were easily my parents age if not older and they were TRASHED! I remembered thinking if the concert for some reason sucked I would at least be entertained. Best quote of the night was Mr. Friendly in front of me look at me and say "hell I'd blow him" I nearly choked on my beer.
I know someone out there is going to blast me for what I'm about to say next. I realize my dog is not a child but I do feel bad leaving her at home when I work a ten hour day. Many thanks to Andy, Angie, and Carl for letting her out on my long work days. I've been trying to get her set up at a "doggie day care" type place. Good grief you'd think I was trying to get my kid into an elite kindergarten. We have an "interview" on Friday. Which irks me for multiple reasons, but mostly b/c I put the application in last week hoping I could get her in this week. I won't need this place for another two weeks after this Thursday. So I'm annoyed. Flame away.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Disney Radio
Well, I survived an outing with the girls to the baseball game AND the sleep over. I think Ellie is more tired than me. I now know more than I could have ever imagined about the Jonas brothers (Nick is apparently the cutest), Hannah Montana, and all things Disney. Whew.
I'm trying to recharge today. I've got a big staffing week next week and then I'm on VACATION! Whoo hoo! I sent papers in for Ellie to be considered at a Day Care for dogs program. I just hate when I have a ten hour day leaving her and only having occasional potty breaks. So I'm either going to get this set up for next week or send her to my parents for the week. Currently, she's hiding under my legs b/c there are utility guys on ladders in the back of the house working on utility lines. She's a brave one. Hide under me and give a little "whoof" I have to maintain contact at all times otherwise she seeks me out. It was cute the first few minutes, now 30 minutes in I'm getting a smidge annoyed.

My folks should be arriving early this afternoon. We're gonna boogie tomorrow the stircove for Earth, Wind, and Fire. Have a great weekend gang!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
DMB Tickets!
"Its the best of whats around" baby! My tickets arrived via FedEx today! WhooHoo! The FedEx guy said I was the first person to actually be home to get the tickets and was curious about when/where the show was. Must be a lot of DMB fans from Omaha making the trip. I ordered these back in May so I'm really pumped to go to the show. Its turning into an annual brother sister outing for Andy and I.
Weather providing I'm taking my boss' kids to the Omaha Royals game tonight. I hope it doesn't rain. I am leaving straight from work. I'm closing tonight b/c one of our pharmacists is going to the Slayer show in Lincoln. Is that not a hoot or what? He hasn't been to a concert in years so I told him to buy ear plugs. He will definitely need them. He can be hard of hearing now as it is.
ScriptPro is having the walk through at my store tomorrow and I'm pretty psyched. I'm planning on working until noonish and then taking the entire weekend off. This is day 11 for me and my patience is getting pretty worn down.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
ESPN Gameplan
I just placed my "early bird" order and I am set for watching college football on Saturdays. Oh yeah. Only 17 days until kick off.
And speaking of football, I can't count the many ways that I love Herm Edwards, the coach of my beloved KC Chiefs. I watched the first episode of Hard Knocks last week and I love it!
Work was a complete cluster today for reasons I'm not even going to bother getting into now. No need to increase my risk for a stroke for the second time today. Although, I will say that I had one particular gal really get in my craw today. She just could not understand that medicaid doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. "Well what am I supposed to do" I dunno, get a job perhaps? I know its just mind boggling that popping out kids for a living to get a higher monthly allowance from the state isn't exactly something you will see at a job fair or career week at school. The whole medicaid system is so abused I can't wrap my brain around it. This week I am truly working hard for the weekend. I have another glorious ten hours to look forward to tomorrow. My poor baby is going to be distraught all day.
Later gators!
And speaking of football, I can't count the many ways that I love Herm Edwards, the coach of my beloved KC Chiefs. I watched the first episode of Hard Knocks last week and I love it!
Work was a complete cluster today for reasons I'm not even going to bother getting into now. No need to increase my risk for a stroke for the second time today. Although, I will say that I had one particular gal really get in my craw today. She just could not understand that medicaid doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. "Well what am I supposed to do" I dunno, get a job perhaps? I know its just mind boggling that popping out kids for a living to get a higher monthly allowance from the state isn't exactly something you will see at a job fair or career week at school. The whole medicaid system is so abused I can't wrap my brain around it. This week I am truly working hard for the weekend. I have another glorious ten hours to look forward to tomorrow. My poor baby is going to be distraught all day.
Later gators!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Reel Big Fish
I'm feeling the love and the need to spread the music so I give you three more clips, Beer, She has a Girlfriend Now, and the remake of A-Ha's Take on Me. Warnings for loud music and language. Specifically, the F Bomb. The last two clips are from the Sokol show about a year or so ago. Enjoy!
How's it going to be.....
.....when you don't know me anymore?
The Third Eye Blind concert ROCKED Friday night. They sounded amazing and we had a chance to hear some new stuff. They've been working on a fourth album so I'm crossing my fingers that we will hear that sometime soon. It was muggy and hot as hell out but definitely worth the icky factor. Jake, Andy, Angie and I had a great sing along time. And lets not forget that Jake is the king of pantomiming/gesturing wildly during songs.
Saturday was the Reel Big Fish/Less than Jake show. Reel Big Fish are always a great show. I had never seen Less Than Jake and I wasn't disappointed. Some highlights from the show include a rocking rendition of Enter Sandman by RBF and "MASTER" as well as the mosh pit that extended all the way back to the sound station at the back of Sokol. I only have one major negative from the show and that would be the heat aka the "icky" factor. Sweat was DRIPPING from the ceiling. Literally dripping people. I was walking, sliding, navigating through nasty ass bodily fluid. I don't think Sokol has any air conditioning and they don't let anyone re enter the show. One of these days someone is going to get hurt. We almost left after RBF simply because it was so damn hot. Sokol is an old auditorium/gymnasium and it is in dire need of some upgrades. I'm not sure I'll go to a show there in August again.
Here is the pit.
The Third Eye Blind concert ROCKED Friday night. They sounded amazing and we had a chance to hear some new stuff. They've been working on a fourth album so I'm crossing my fingers that we will hear that sometime soon. It was muggy and hot as hell out but definitely worth the icky factor. Jake, Andy, Angie and I had a great sing along time. And lets not forget that Jake is the king of pantomiming/gesturing wildly during songs.
Saturday was the Reel Big Fish/Less than Jake show. Reel Big Fish are always a great show. I had never seen Less Than Jake and I wasn't disappointed. Some highlights from the show include a rocking rendition of Enter Sandman by RBF and "MASTER" as well as the mosh pit that extended all the way back to the sound station at the back of Sokol. I only have one major negative from the show and that would be the heat aka the "icky" factor. Sweat was DRIPPING from the ceiling. Literally dripping people. I was walking, sliding, navigating through nasty ass bodily fluid. I don't think Sokol has any air conditioning and they don't let anyone re enter the show. One of these days someone is going to get hurt. We almost left after RBF simply because it was so damn hot. Sokol is an old auditorium/gymnasium and it is in dire need of some upgrades. I'm not sure I'll go to a show there in August again.
Here is the pit.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Endeavor reaches orbit!
I was in fourth grade when the shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into its flight to space. I remember everything so vividly. The entire school was gathered in the library to watch the launch. I remember seeing my teacher crying and not understanding what I was watching. Yesterday, after 22 years Barbara Morgan reached her dream and carried on the legacy of Christa McAuliffe. Morgan was McAuliffe's back up and in 1988 became an astronaut full time. I watched the launch yesterday live on the web from work. From Mission Control "Morgan racing towards space on the wings of a legacy" immediately after they had passed the 73 second mark otherwise known as the go at throttle up mark. It was a beautiful moment.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
American Idol Week in Omaha
Lordy look out and avoid the downtown area around the QWest Center. They are estimating that roughly 12,000 people auditioned in Dallas last week. I have to say I'm not a fan of the show. One of my old roomies made me watch the finale when Ruben won. I couldn't have faked my enthusiasm if my life depended on it. However, I do enjoy the first run of episodes when they show all the bad singers who are obviously lacking close friends and family to tell it to them straight up. Sign up starts tomorrow and I believe auditions begin on Friday. It will be interesting to see what Omaha brings to the show.
In other news, I had a fantastic weekend off. I went out on Friday and played a few mean games of shuffleboard. For those of you who know my brother, make sure you give him a hard time about losing a game of shuffleboard to a legally blind woman. Not only did he lose, but she handed him his ass. Fortunately, he found redemption after partnering with his sister and we overcame a 13 to 3 deficit to win by one.
Saturday we hit the lake. Ellie had her first experience in the water and it was pretty cute. She's not a bad swimmer either. She did spend majority of her time sniffing around on the beach and digging up stuff. Or just laying around soaking up the sun. She likes to lay out and soak it up.
I am ever so fortunate enough to have good connections and I watched the first 2 episodes of Weeds. HOLY MOMMA! It was great. I can't wait to see how everything develops. I also have the first episode of Californication. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll like anything with DD.
I was up and at em early this morning. I was actually in the store at 6:45am. I had to clean up some stuff from yesterday and make it back into town by 8am. It felt good to be up so early, but right now all I really want is a nap.
And finally I'd like to give a shout out to G in BAH-ston for completing her second 3-Day! Check her blog for the scoop. Congrats G!
In other news, I had a fantastic weekend off. I went out on Friday and played a few mean games of shuffleboard. For those of you who know my brother, make sure you give him a hard time about losing a game of shuffleboard to a legally blind woman. Not only did he lose, but she handed him his ass. Fortunately, he found redemption after partnering with his sister and we overcame a 13 to 3 deficit to win by one.
Saturday we hit the lake. Ellie had her first experience in the water and it was pretty cute. She's not a bad swimmer either. She did spend majority of her time sniffing around on the beach and digging up stuff. Or just laying around soaking up the sun. She likes to lay out and soak it up.
I am ever so fortunate enough to have good connections and I watched the first 2 episodes of Weeds. HOLY MOMMA! It was great. I can't wait to see how everything develops. I also have the first episode of Californication. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll like anything with DD.
I was up and at em early this morning. I was actually in the store at 6:45am. I had to clean up some stuff from yesterday and make it back into town by 8am. It felt good to be up so early, but right now all I really want is a nap.
And finally I'd like to give a shout out to G in BAH-ston for completing her second 3-Day! Check her blog for the scoop. Congrats G!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Friday Joy!
So it is finally here! I have to staff and close at one of our stores today, not a huge deal. I should be done by 7pm. This is my first weekend off in four weeks. I don't care what I do just so long as I'm not in one of the stores. I might try to see the new Bourne movie tonight. I can't get to wild and crazy b/c I have I a dentist appointment at 8am. I may fall asleep while she's cleaning my teeth.
Ellie's haircut isn't a full blown disaster but it isn't good either. I've lost this post three times now so the description keeps getting shorter and shorter. I think they were going for a cross b/t a puppy cut and a summer cut. It ended up looking more like a deformed Lion cut. Seriously, she has uneven patches everywhere and weird cowlick looking thing on her belly. Jenny is off the list.
In other work news, it looks like I will be doing a radio commercial to air on one of the local radio stations. After surviving my brief television experience earlier this year with Omaha Living this should be no sweat. I could be wearing sweats and a ball cap and no one would know the difference. Sounds like my kind of job.
Later gators!
Ellie's haircut isn't a full blown disaster but it isn't good either. I've lost this post three times now so the description keeps getting shorter and shorter. I think they were going for a cross b/t a puppy cut and a summer cut. It ended up looking more like a deformed Lion cut. Seriously, she has uneven patches everywhere and weird cowlick looking thing on her belly. Jenny is off the list.
In other work news, it looks like I will be doing a radio commercial to air on one of the local radio stations. After surviving my brief television experience earlier this year with Omaha Living this should be no sweat. I could be wearing sweats and a ball cap and no one would know the difference. Sounds like my kind of job.
Later gators!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
A day "off"
Extra emphasis on "off' because I'm not really. I have a ton of stuff to get done today and I have to go into work for some inventory/ordering work. I dropped little Ellie off to get her hair cut today. I learned last week that the gal who always cuts her hair is no longer working there. I'm ashamed to admit I was a bit upset with Rachel being gone. She's Ellie's buddy. She actually enjoys going to get her hair cut. Thanks to Rachel she will now willingly get into the bath tub for a cleaning. Rachel fusses over her and gives her lots of kisses. Most of the time Ellie isn't even aware I've left. When I pick her up Rachel gives me the update on how she did. "She tried to act tough today, but we know she's not" And now its all gone. Naturally, they won't tell me where she went. I wasn't overly impressed with Jenny or her lackluster "oh she's cute" comment. I probably shouldn't hold her barb wire tattoo across her arm against her either but I am. I'm hoping Rachel took good notes b/c I don't think Jenny heard a word I said about her cut. Let's hope she doesn't come back shaved. All this fuss over my puppy, I think it will take another decade to work up to kids.
In other news, I think I have my work schedule ironed out through October. Which is a sweet freaking deal b/c I was able to schedule my three weeks of vacation time. I'm taking the last week in August off. I might go to Chicago for the weekend (Josh any updates), I will be in KC for a couple days to see DMB and possibly do some shopping. I'm also going to go crazy and clean the house and get the basement painted the last few days. September is NYC! Whoo! I'm getting a bit stressed about September though b/c it looks like our new robot will be arriving the week before I leave. I hope we can get everything ironed out before I have to leave.
Finally, August is here. Which means Earth, Wind, and Fire and the DMB show! I scored sweet reserve tickets for DMB. Andy and I will be making our third trip to Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in what is turning into our annual brother sister DMB trip. Actually, this is my fourth DMB show in three years. I have to include the Omaha show.
In other news, I think I have my work schedule ironed out through October. Which is a sweet freaking deal b/c I was able to schedule my three weeks of vacation time. I'm taking the last week in August off. I might go to Chicago for the weekend (Josh any updates), I will be in KC for a couple days to see DMB and possibly do some shopping. I'm also going to go crazy and clean the house and get the basement painted the last few days. September is NYC! Whoo! I'm getting a bit stressed about September though b/c it looks like our new robot will be arriving the week before I leave. I hope we can get everything ironed out before I have to leave.
Finally, August is here. Which means Earth, Wind, and Fire and the DMB show! I scored sweet reserve tickets for DMB. Andy and I will be making our third trip to Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in what is turning into our annual brother sister DMB trip. Actually, this is my fourth DMB show in three years. I have to include the Omaha show.
Friday, July 27, 2007
My computer hutch from Ashley Furniture arrived. I was so relieved to see the correct piece of furniture AND it was undamaged I could have wept. This was the FOURTH delivery attempt. I've spent the morning cleaning up my office and getting things settled.
We've got a lead on a new pharmacist that sounds very promising. Recently, life handed me a big fat lemon in the work department and I think I may have found a way to make a giant pitcher of lemonade. I can't stand lying in any way shape or form. I'm also a firm believer in what comes around goes around and eventually someone will be getting their due. So while I'm drudging away staffing for the third weekend in a row I will have a smile on my face.
I let loose on Wednesday night with my brother and Kyle. Boy did I need that. It felt good to just shut down from the work scene a bit and do some venting, and drinking of course. Good times were had by all. I also watched Spies like Us for the first time in what felt like forever. Man I love that movie. Fitshume and Milbarge. I'm sure I spelled that wrong, but what the heck. I was laughing so hard at one point my stomach hurt.
Have a great weekend guys!
We've got a lead on a new pharmacist that sounds very promising. Recently, life handed me a big fat lemon in the work department and I think I may have found a way to make a giant pitcher of lemonade. I can't stand lying in any way shape or form. I'm also a firm believer in what comes around goes around and eventually someone will be getting their due. So while I'm drudging away staffing for the third weekend in a row I will have a smile on my face.
I let loose on Wednesday night with my brother and Kyle. Boy did I need that. It felt good to just shut down from the work scene a bit and do some venting, and drinking of course. Good times were had by all. I also watched Spies like Us for the first time in what felt like forever. Man I love that movie. Fitshume and Milbarge. I'm sure I spelled that wrong, but what the heck. I was laughing so hard at one point my stomach hurt.
Have a great weekend guys!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Picutre this......
Me on Shumps's shoulders, heading towards the mosh pit at the Reel Big Fish show. What does this equal? A terrified Roonz. The only other time I'd experienced altitude on this level was in an airplane. Oh and nice work behind me Mr. High eyebrow arch. I know who you are and I know where you live.
Shump and little one.
I'm having issues posting pictures from the web so I'll try to do this again tomorrow. Josh has some comical pictures from the show.
Shump and little one.
I'm having issues posting pictures from the web so I'll try to do this again tomorrow. Josh has some comical pictures from the show.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Last night!
"talking bout last night"
What am I talking bout? I'm talking about how last nights show was amazing. I'm talking bout how my ears are still ringing, and I'm dead tired. Amazing folks. Everyone should go to a RCPM show. Josh took a ton of good pictures and videos last night. As soon as he uploads them to youtube I'll give everyone a taste.
And speaking of pictures, there is a reason I don't usually bring a camera to the bar or after hours for that matter. Most of the time I don't want to see the photographic evidence of my stupidity. So I give you these gems. They start off nice and innocent. Posing with friends for nice pictures to remember years later...and then the ones you never want your family to see. What can I say? I work hard and give 150% to everything I do, including having a good time outside of work.
I'm laying low tonight to rest up. I'm thinking of firing up the grill and watching some baseball.
Later gators!
What am I talking bout? I'm talking about how last nights show was amazing. I'm talking bout how my ears are still ringing, and I'm dead tired. Amazing folks. Everyone should go to a RCPM show. Josh took a ton of good pictures and videos last night. As soon as he uploads them to youtube I'll give everyone a taste.
And speaking of pictures, there is a reason I don't usually bring a camera to the bar or after hours for that matter. Most of the time I don't want to see the photographic evidence of my stupidity. So I give you these gems. They start off nice and innocent. Posing with friends for nice pictures to remember years later...and then the ones you never want your family to see. What can I say? I work hard and give 150% to everything I do, including having a good time outside of work.
I'm laying low tonight to rest up. I'm thinking of firing up the grill and watching some baseball.
Later gators!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
This is X-citing!
I stumbled across this gem yesterday! Mulder and Scully back in action again! I have so very many fonds memories from the show. Also, David Duchovny has a new show out on Showtime called Californication. I will be watching of course. One, it has David and two it premieres after the season 3 premier of Weeds. And I love Weeds.
Carl and I hung out last night and reminisced about pharmacy school and all sorts of thing. Somehow Tea Leoni came up and we started laughing about the episode Hollywood A.D. with her and Gary Shandling guest starring. "How do you run in those shoes?"
Oh, good times.
Carl and I hung out last night and reminisced about pharmacy school and all sorts of thing. Somehow Tea Leoni came up and we started laughing about the episode Hollywood A.D. with her and Gary Shandling guest starring. "How do you run in those shoes?"
Oh, good times.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
We're #1
Although, I'd prefer that we were dead last. I spent close to $46 for 13 gallons yesterday. Of course we reach nation leading highs when I have to start commuting to Bellevue again.
Ellie and I have been up and at it since six this morning. We had a 30 minute power walk and some play time in the yard. I hope she's tired enough to sleep well while I'm working.
Ellie and I have been up and at it since six this morning. We had a 30 minute power walk and some play time in the yard. I hope she's tired enough to sleep well while I'm working.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Beat box
I totally forgot to post a link to Matisyahu beat boxing. I think he should have a competition with the guy from Police Academy.
I'll post more tomorrow and try and get some clips up from the Violent Femmes show.
I'll post more tomorrow and try and get some clips up from the Violent Femmes show.
Hello again!
I figured since it has been roughly fifteen days since I last posted I was well overdue. Life and work have been keeping me busier than I'd like. I'm busy covering vacation days left and right it seems. I have to pick up the next two possibly three weekends and a Friday thrown in there for good measure.
My house is finally organized and clean again. I wasn't even the one moving but it still felt like it. I can't tell you how nice it was to have my parents come and visit and I didn't have to sleep on the couch.
Due to work I was unable to make it to the Big Head Todd show. I was really bummed about that. Red, white and Boom was a blast. Matisyahu is amazing to hear. Hearing beat box and King without a crown would have made that show for even the most causal Matisyahu fan. There is also something to be said for seeing 311 play in front of the home crowd. They played a lot of old school songs. Sean, I saw Dr. Hexum there. For those of you who might not know, Nick Hexum's dad was one of our pharmacology professors. Do you remember that quote? He explained the baroreceptor reflex by discussing someone slitting their wrists. "And then the brain would go whoa what's going on down there we gotta get some more pressure" Okay, I just totally geeked out there. Moving on..........I have one major negative about Red, White, and Boom.
I HATE WESTFAIR AMPHITHEATER! My grandmother always used to say hate is a strong word and I should really mean it when I use it. Well, this time I really do.
Seriously, when you sit in the parking lot. Wait scratch that. No concrete, no yellow lines or parking stalls equals an open field. Any one would be pissed off when forced to wait in an open field filled with cars upon cars with only one exit and one cop directing traffic for the same amount of time as the concert you just saw. It put a huge buzz kill on the night for me. Especially when the concert took place on Sunday evening and I had to work Monday morning. I am boycotting River Riot and I also skipped O.A.R. for that reason.
On a random note, HBO has an upcoming show that will go behind the scenes of the K.C. Chiefs pre season camp. I can hardly contain my excitement.
Okay, since I've exceeded my geek quota for one post I'm going to hit the sack.
Later gators!
My house is finally organized and clean again. I wasn't even the one moving but it still felt like it. I can't tell you how nice it was to have my parents come and visit and I didn't have to sleep on the couch.
Due to work I was unable to make it to the Big Head Todd show. I was really bummed about that. Red, white and Boom was a blast. Matisyahu is amazing to hear. Hearing beat box and King without a crown would have made that show for even the most causal Matisyahu fan. There is also something to be said for seeing 311 play in front of the home crowd. They played a lot of old school songs. Sean, I saw Dr. Hexum there. For those of you who might not know, Nick Hexum's dad was one of our pharmacology professors. Do you remember that quote? He explained the baroreceptor reflex by discussing someone slitting their wrists. "And then the brain would go whoa what's going on down there we gotta get some more pressure" Okay, I just totally geeked out there. Moving on..........I have one major negative about Red, White, and Boom.
I HATE WESTFAIR AMPHITHEATER! My grandmother always used to say hate is a strong word and I should really mean it when I use it. Well, this time I really do.
Seriously, when you sit in the parking lot. Wait scratch that. No concrete, no yellow lines or parking stalls equals an open field. Any one would be pissed off when forced to wait in an open field filled with cars upon cars with only one exit and one cop directing traffic for the same amount of time as the concert you just saw. It put a huge buzz kill on the night for me. Especially when the concert took place on Sunday evening and I had to work Monday morning. I am boycotting River Riot and I also skipped O.A.R. for that reason.
On a random note, HBO has an upcoming show that will go behind the scenes of the K.C. Chiefs pre season camp. I can hardly contain my excitement.
Okay, since I've exceeded my geek quota for one post I'm going to hit the sack.
Later gators!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Get down tonight!
KC and the fireworks were fantastic last night. It was a total last minute thing and we decided to go. The parking was a total nightmare. I had no idea Memorial Park could get that many people packed in for the show. There were quite a few people dancing away that I thought might throw a hip out of whack. We saw the female version of Josh dancing. I realize some of you have no idea what that looks like, but for those of you that do look out. She had the arm movements down.
And speaking of Josh, I know this is a wee bit late but I still think it is a great read. Josh sent me a great link regarding the finale of the Soprano's. The article is by Bob Harris. It is really thought provoking and made me look at the finale in a whole new light. I must warn you it is rather lengthy, but it is definitely worth reading. Very well thought out. You can read it here.
So the Mart drivers showed up this morning with the wrong desk. I'm not even going to start a rant b/c I may blow a blood vessel. I'm starting to hate both Ashley Furniture AND the Mart.
Later gators!
And speaking of Josh, I know this is a wee bit late but I still think it is a great read. Josh sent me a great link regarding the finale of the Soprano's. The article is by Bob Harris. It is really thought provoking and made me look at the finale in a whole new light. I must warn you it is rather lengthy, but it is definitely worth reading. Very well thought out. You can read it here.
So the Mart drivers showed up this morning with the wrong desk. I'm not even going to start a rant b/c I may blow a blood vessel. I'm starting to hate both Ashley Furniture AND the Mart.
Later gators!
Swear Jar
I'm posting this video first thing before I forget. My buddy Ryan had sent this to me about a month ago and I keep forgetting to put a link up.
I think we could all use one of these at the office.
I think we could all use one of these at the office.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Today is my first non staffing day this week. Although, it feels like years. I'm trying to get a lot of paperwork done and get caught up before Andy and the big move takes place next week. My boss is also leaving town for a conference in Boston and I'd like to be caught up before he leaves as well. It seems every time one or both of us gets on a plane something bad/stressful happens at work. Basically I'm trying to be prepared for the shit to hit the fan.
In other work news, I saw two of my favorite lady's at work this week. One asked me how I liked my new assignment. When I told her I was enjoying being back in Bellevue she seemed genuinely surprised. "You mean you're back now?" Now picture the Macaulay Culkin signature arm pump with his trade mark "yes" and that is exactly what my 80 y/o lady did. That made my year. So every time I'm stressed or bitchy about work I'm going to think of her excitement. The other gal was so excited to "have her girl back" That was right up there as well. Its great to have these kinds of relationships with our customers. This is exactly why I wanted to be a community pharmacist. Some days the good things about this job can be few and far between. I need to remember all the positives and remember that I am making a difference and this is worth all the effort. I wouldn't trade this job for anything.
Apparently, the furniture gods are reading my blog. My furniture that I ordered waaaaaay back in April is set to arrive tomorrow b/t 8 and 10am. I'm sure everyone can hear me knocking on wood.
Not sure what the weekend holds just yet. I am going to 311 on Sunday. KC and the Sunshine Band are playing a free concert tonight at Memorial Park. I'd like to go but I'm not sure what the rest of the day looks like just yet. The folks are back in town on Sunday to visit and help get my bro packed up for his move.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
In other work news, I saw two of my favorite lady's at work this week. One asked me how I liked my new assignment. When I told her I was enjoying being back in Bellevue she seemed genuinely surprised. "You mean you're back now?" Now picture the Macaulay Culkin signature arm pump with his trade mark "yes" and that is exactly what my 80 y/o lady did. That made my year. So every time I'm stressed or bitchy about work I'm going to think of her excitement. The other gal was so excited to "have her girl back" That was right up there as well. Its great to have these kinds of relationships with our customers. This is exactly why I wanted to be a community pharmacist. Some days the good things about this job can be few and far between. I need to remember all the positives and remember that I am making a difference and this is worth all the effort. I wouldn't trade this job for anything.
Apparently, the furniture gods are reading my blog. My furniture that I ordered waaaaaay back in April is set to arrive tomorrow b/t 8 and 10am. I'm sure everyone can hear me knocking on wood.
Not sure what the weekend holds just yet. I am going to 311 on Sunday. KC and the Sunshine Band are playing a free concert tonight at Memorial Park. I'd like to go but I'm not sure what the rest of the day looks like just yet. The folks are back in town on Sunday to visit and help get my bro packed up for his move.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
am I coming or going?
So I'm a bit irritated tonight. I'm sitting in my office amidst various piles of papers, memo's, routers, modems, and computers. I ordered another matching piece of my desk set from NFM back in April. Well, let me rephrase that. NFM ordered it direct from the manufacturer, Ashley Furniture. The first time they sent it, they didn't send the entire unit and it was damaged. NFM apologized FOR Ashley and sent it back and had the order shipped again. Last week, the aforementioned order arrived at NFM damaged AGAIN! How freaking hard is it Ashley Furniture? In the meantime I sit in my own personal hell otherwise known as my office. I have all this stuff I need to organize and I can't. I can't stand clutter. I'm tempted to call my doc and tell her to get me a benzo just so I can sift through the paper without losing my mind. Seriously, it has come to the point that I have organized and LABELED the different piles. The OCD is on a runaway train right now. I'm even linking the crap out of things in this post.
In other news for those of you who are familiar with my work situation I am back to managing my old stomping ground out in Bellevue. While it is awesome to be back and see so many familiar faces I am back to supervising the other stores and managing this location. I have to be more disciplined than usual with my time in order to fit everything in. So far so good. Although, this is only week three.
The folks were in town this past weekend. Good times. My mom and I shopped hard on Sunday. I found a new bedroom set that I love! So the good news is my guest bedroom will be ready for some peeps in mid July. My bro is moving out of the basement which to be honest, is both sad and exciting. I'm excited for him to move into his new pad and I'm excited to decorate the basement. However, I think I will be a smidge lonely. Just a smidge though. He isn't giving back his keys or the garage door opener. heh. We have definitely had our up and downs occuping the same living space these past few years. We are much closer as a result and we have a much stronger relationship. I'm still trying to think of a good house warming gift for him. And no Andy, it will not be my big screen in the basement. You lost the bet fair and square.
In other news for those of you who are familiar with my work situation I am back to managing my old stomping ground out in Bellevue. While it is awesome to be back and see so many familiar faces I am back to supervising the other stores and managing this location. I have to be more disciplined than usual with my time in order to fit everything in. So far so good. Although, this is only week three.
The folks were in town this past weekend. Good times. My mom and I shopped hard on Sunday. I found a new bedroom set that I love! So the good news is my guest bedroom will be ready for some peeps in mid July. My bro is moving out of the basement which to be honest, is both sad and exciting. I'm excited for him to move into his new pad and I'm excited to decorate the basement. However, I think I will be a smidge lonely. Just a smidge though. He isn't giving back his keys or the garage door opener. heh. We have definitely had our up and downs occuping the same living space these past few years. We are much closer as a result and we have a much stronger relationship. I'm still trying to think of a good house warming gift for him. And no Andy, it will not be my big screen in the basement. You lost the bet fair and square.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
They say a picture is worth a thousand words...
Or in this case two. I laughed harder than I probably should have. Although, it was probably the comment about buying them beer that tipped me over the edge.
From this wonderful site, idontlikeyouinthatway.com
I wonder if she has a permit to fly that thing?
From this wonderful site, idontlikeyouinthatway.com
I wonder if she has a permit to fly that thing?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Quick update
I have a ton of things to post but not nearly enough time to get it all down. First off, the Faint rocked last week! We had such a good time we went again on Friday. I'll post a couple of clips that Josh took. Please turn your volume down or you might blow a speaker. The crowd was intense. The balcony of Sokol was actually moving at one point. I can honestly say I wasn't a huge fan after listening to a cd. However, they are a must see live. You can check out more videos on Youtube.
This is one for the I've seen it all category. I hate seeing people eating while driving, or putting on eye liner while driving. Hell, texting even irks me when driving. So the other day I was driving back from Bellevue when a guy on a crotch rocket flies by me on I-80. He's driving with one hand and texting in the other. My first thought, I hoped Darwinism would wipe this guys gene pool out.
I hope to post a bit more this afternoon. Have a great Monday gang!
This is one for the I've seen it all category. I hate seeing people eating while driving, or putting on eye liner while driving. Hell, texting even irks me when driving. So the other day I was driving back from Bellevue when a guy on a crotch rocket flies by me on I-80. He's driving with one hand and texting in the other. My first thought, I hoped Darwinism would wipe this guys gene pool out.
I hope to post a bit more this afternoon. Have a great Monday gang!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Modern Wonders
Ever stop to think what would happen if even the most basic of things was taken away? Such as electricity and water? About a month ago OPPD had a massive outage in town. I was without electricity for about five hours. Its ridiculous to think back on all the things I couldn't do. No internet, the fax machine was down, no radio, no tv, and no working kitchen appliances. I showered with a mag light set up on the bathroom countertop.
So today, I have one more chapter to the saga of life without modern day joys. I have no water. Someone with MUD hit a main water line. I have to say, if I had to choose b/t no electricity and no water I would go with the former. I'm about an hour away from asking my brother to pick up some water at the store so I can actually wash my hair. I'm sharing the last of my Fiji water with Ellie.
So today, I have one more chapter to the saga of life without modern day joys. I have no water. Someone with MUD hit a main water line. I have to say, if I had to choose b/t no electricity and no water I would go with the former. I'm about an hour away from asking my brother to pick up some water at the store so I can actually wash my hair. I'm sharing the last of my Fiji water with Ellie.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Weekend Recap
Soooooo, my "closed for the weekend" thing backfired almost immediately. I totally forgot about the Ben Harper concert on Saturday. So yeah, no couch action for me on Saturday. Sunday, was another story. Lordy I was tired. I feel somewhat recharged. Not 100% but close. I need to take Huey's advice and just check out from work for a day.
The Ben Harper show was fantastic and I had a great time with the guys. Well, except for Matt and I nearly avoiding an accident on the way back and then missing our exit and taking the "scenic" route through Council Bluffs and North Omaha back to Bambino's. And by scenic I mean ghetto, police cruisers, and handcuffs. Matt beat me to locking the doors, but not by much.
Next up is the Faint show at Sokol tomorrow. I have to leave straight from work but it shouldn't be a big deal. In other news the Traveling Wilbury's re released two cd's yesterday. Both have been out of print for quite some time. I highly recommend them. My all time favorite is End of the Line.
"well its all right, we're going to the end of the line"
Oooh and I almost forgot last night someone egged my car while I was driving it at the corner of 83rd and Blondo. Joel was with me and he wanted to chase them down. Which if it hadn't been 11:30 at night, if I hadn't had those two drinks at Old Chicago, and if I wouldn't have had to pull a wicked lane change and speed like a demon, then yes Joel and I would have engaged in a pursuit. Those punks are damn lucky. Although what we would have done if we'd caught them I don't know. Throw a CD case at them? I don't drive around with eggs on stand by just in case. Honestly, who drives around Omaha on a Tuesday night and eggs random cars at the stop light?
The Ben Harper show was fantastic and I had a great time with the guys. Well, except for Matt and I nearly avoiding an accident on the way back and then missing our exit and taking the "scenic" route through Council Bluffs and North Omaha back to Bambino's. And by scenic I mean ghetto, police cruisers, and handcuffs. Matt beat me to locking the doors, but not by much.
Next up is the Faint show at Sokol tomorrow. I have to leave straight from work but it shouldn't be a big deal. In other news the Traveling Wilbury's re released two cd's yesterday. Both have been out of print for quite some time. I highly recommend them. My all time favorite is End of the Line.
"well its all right, we're going to the end of the line"
Oooh and I almost forgot last night someone egged my car while I was driving it at the corner of 83rd and Blondo. Joel was with me and he wanted to chase them down. Which if it hadn't been 11:30 at night, if I hadn't had those two drinks at Old Chicago, and if I wouldn't have had to pull a wicked lane change and speed like a demon, then yes Joel and I would have engaged in a pursuit. Those punks are damn lucky. Although what we would have done if we'd caught them I don't know. Throw a CD case at them? I don't drive around with eggs on stand by just in case. Honestly, who drives around Omaha on a Tuesday night and eggs random cars at the stop light?
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
I'm closed for the weekend
I would love, LOVE, to have a switch to turn my brain off and recharge. I would also like to be able to put out a message that says I am closed. No phone calls, no emails, no voice mails, no questions. I've had zero time to myself in the past few weeks and I'm feeling very anti social. I know it sounds incredibly selfish, but I just want to be left the hell alone sometimes. That sometime is now in case anyone was wondering. So you're wondering what's brought me to this happy place? Work, and too many extra curricular activities. A pause button for life would be a sweet deal too!
So enough of the negative mood in the blog. I've been busy with work, but I have also been to a couple great shows. Cake sounded fantastic! I will admit that the length of the show was a huge disappointment. Barely and hour and thirty minutes. Some of my friends thought I was disappointed in the song selection, definitely NOT the case. My measuring stick will always be the Violent Femmes, who are coming back to stircove by the way. If you're in town you must go see them. They rocked out for 3 hours. I felt like the show had just hit its groove and then it was over.
This week I went to the QWest Center and saw Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. I'm not a huge country music fan although I think they are more mainstream. Anyhoo, it was a great show! They are both great entertainers. Faith Hill did win me over though. She played the ABBA song, the Winner Takes It All. Now for those of you who might not know me as well, I am HUGE ABBA fan. I have countless CD's, and a DVD of their music videos. They were the early pioneers of what we now see on MTV. Definitely ahead of their time. Anyhoo, I went nuts. Beckie or Lisa if you're reading this I'm sure you remember my mornings always started out with Waterloo! I may try to upload some of the clips I took from my camera.
In other big concert news, Earth, Wind, and Fire are coming to the stircove in September. I can't wait! Tickets go on sale tomorrow!
Have a great weekend gang!
So enough of the negative mood in the blog. I've been busy with work, but I have also been to a couple great shows. Cake sounded fantastic! I will admit that the length of the show was a huge disappointment. Barely and hour and thirty minutes. Some of my friends thought I was disappointed in the song selection, definitely NOT the case. My measuring stick will always be the Violent Femmes, who are coming back to stircove by the way. If you're in town you must go see them. They rocked out for 3 hours. I felt like the show had just hit its groove and then it was over.
This week I went to the QWest Center and saw Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. I'm not a huge country music fan although I think they are more mainstream. Anyhoo, it was a great show! They are both great entertainers. Faith Hill did win me over though. She played the ABBA song, the Winner Takes It All. Now for those of you who might not know me as well, I am HUGE ABBA fan. I have countless CD's, and a DVD of their music videos. They were the early pioneers of what we now see on MTV. Definitely ahead of their time. Anyhoo, I went nuts. Beckie or Lisa if you're reading this I'm sure you remember my mornings always started out with Waterloo! I may try to upload some of the clips I took from my camera.
In other big concert news, Earth, Wind, and Fire are coming to the stircove in September. I can't wait! Tickets go on sale tomorrow!
Have a great weekend gang!
"chicks dig the long ball"
My brother and I were talking the other day about our favorite Nike/ESPN commercials. I was so thrilled to find this gem on youtube. Without further delay, my #1 commercial!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
It was a beautiful day......
The weather was absolutely perfect here in the big O today. Sun shining, cool breeze a blowing, and a lovely 68 degrees. I was having too much fun driving around town with the windows down. Nothing was going to ruin my mood. That is until I discovered (well actually Andy did) someone had dented the hell out of my car. So bad I can't determine if someone actually backed into the passenger side door or if they just repeatedly slammed their door into mine in a blind rage. Either way the jackass who did this did NOT leave any information. Honestly, I couldn't sleep at night knowing I had done something like that. I mean is there no safe spot in the parking lot at work? Do I need to start biking across the greater Omaha area? Isn't there anyone left in this world with even the tiniest bit of conscience? My luck the jackass is out there laughing about it.
Okay, I can feel my blood pressure rising again so I'm going to end this rant now.
Okay, I can feel my blood pressure rising again so I'm going to end this rant now.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Weekend Recap
Wow! It was a busy, fun, and tiring weekend. Busy, b/c it was Mother's Day weekend and I also had a concert to attend. Tiring, b/c I always give 110% to everything I do, including the random Friday night drink-a-thon. On the bright side of things we were able to have fun AND get the garage cleaned out.
My work day totally stunk on Friday. Among other things, I had to deal with a difficult customer who decided to drop a few F'bomb's on my new 19 y/o pre pharmacy student which ended with her in tears on her third day of work. I had every right to take a stern hand with her. I appreciate that there are frustrations in life, but is cussing out a kid going to make it any better? Twenty minutes into our conversation it was clear the situation wasn't improving when she decided to take it up a notch and say " You're a LIAR! I hope God strikes you down DEAD!" OOOOOOOOOOOkay then. Conversation over. She is now banned and barred from all of our stores.
Saturday I went to the Tool concert at the MidAmerica Center. I must confess I am not a huge Tool fan. I don't know that many of their songs. I was intrigued though. I have heard from several people that they put on an amazing show. Its been some time since I was at a show that was loud enough to make my liver vibrate. I'm certain at one point my pant leg moved like the guy in the RCA commercial. The funniest thing from the evening was the beginning of the show when all the lights went out right before they came on stage. Good lord it was one big bong hit. Lighters and pipes came out everywhere and it looked like one enormous lighter. Even more hilarious where the girls sitting one row down and off to my left. They dropped their "bag" and couldn't find it. I could not stop laughing. Great people watching venue. Honestly, when you leave a show and you smell like grass and you don't smoke you know there is waaaaaay too much in the air. Good times where had by all.
Sunday I traveled back to lovely G.I. for Mother's Day. It was a great day for my mother. She had a very laid back fun filled day with everyone back home. We found a lost puppy in our back yard and had to call the Humane Society. Turns out it was a dog that had been adopted from the Humane Society about a month back. I'm happy to report that Captain has been returned home safely. He was such a good dog. I vowed to adopt him if he had been abandoned. Yeah I know, I probably don't need another puppy but I'm a sucker for those sappy brown eyes.
I am now not so patiently waiting for lost to start up. Man it has been good this season! I'm pumped that we now know it will end in 2010. I am not so thrilled about the Soprano's style breaks in b/t seasons. Where will I get my lost fix until 2008? And speaking of the Soprano's, did anyone catch this weeks episode? Holly hell I did not see that one coming.
My work day totally stunk on Friday. Among other things, I had to deal with a difficult customer who decided to drop a few F'bomb's on my new 19 y/o pre pharmacy student which ended with her in tears on her third day of work. I had every right to take a stern hand with her. I appreciate that there are frustrations in life, but is cussing out a kid going to make it any better? Twenty minutes into our conversation it was clear the situation wasn't improving when she decided to take it up a notch and say " You're a LIAR! I hope God strikes you down DEAD!" OOOOOOOOOOOkay then. Conversation over. She is now banned and barred from all of our stores.
Saturday I went to the Tool concert at the MidAmerica Center. I must confess I am not a huge Tool fan. I don't know that many of their songs. I was intrigued though. I have heard from several people that they put on an amazing show. Its been some time since I was at a show that was loud enough to make my liver vibrate. I'm certain at one point my pant leg moved like the guy in the RCA commercial. The funniest thing from the evening was the beginning of the show when all the lights went out right before they came on stage. Good lord it was one big bong hit. Lighters and pipes came out everywhere and it looked like one enormous lighter. Even more hilarious where the girls sitting one row down and off to my left. They dropped their "bag" and couldn't find it. I could not stop laughing. Great people watching venue. Honestly, when you leave a show and you smell like grass and you don't smoke you know there is waaaaaay too much in the air. Good times where had by all.
Sunday I traveled back to lovely G.I. for Mother's Day. It was a great day for my mother. She had a very laid back fun filled day with everyone back home. We found a lost puppy in our back yard and had to call the Humane Society. Turns out it was a dog that had been adopted from the Humane Society about a month back. I'm happy to report that Captain has been returned home safely. He was such a good dog. I vowed to adopt him if he had been abandoned. Yeah I know, I probably don't need another puppy but I'm a sucker for those sappy brown eyes.
I am now not so patiently waiting for lost to start up. Man it has been good this season! I'm pumped that we now know it will end in 2010. I am not so thrilled about the Soprano's style breaks in b/t seasons. Where will I get my lost fix until 2008? And speaking of the Soprano's, did anyone catch this weeks episode? Holly hell I did not see that one coming.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.....
The show last week was FANTASTIC! Billy Joel is definitely a show you should make time to get to. So many good tunes, The Entertainer, Captain Jack, She's got a Way, My Life, We didn't start the Fire, Allentown, New York State of Mind, Big Shot, Piano Man, Everybody Loves you now, River of Dreams, Movin Out, Don't ask me Why, You may be right, Always a Woman, Angry Young Man, It's still rock and roll to me, I'm an innocent man, Only the good die young, and my all time favorite Billy Joel song, Scenes From an Italian Restaurant. The show was just one great song after another. The man has a great sense of humor as well, joking about needing to tour to pay for his car insurance, heh! At one point in the evening he turned the microphone over to a huge burly roadie nicknamed Chainsaw, who broke into AC/DC's highway to hell, which just flat out rocked!
Thanks for all the great emails and comments guys and gals! I would like to mention that several of you have stated I'm not too old for myspace. Thanks for the support and kind words. I didn't mean to offend anyone who may have a myspace account. My friend Sean pointed out that a guy from pharmacy school found him on myspace, and lets just say that "Thor" is a huge reason I won't be joining myspace anytime soon. Its just scary Sean. Scary.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! The festivities start here at 6pm.
Thanks for all the great emails and comments guys and gals! I would like to mention that several of you have stated I'm not too old for myspace. Thanks for the support and kind words. I didn't mean to offend anyone who may have a myspace account. My friend Sean pointed out that a guy from pharmacy school found him on myspace, and lets just say that "Thor" is a huge reason I won't be joining myspace anytime soon. Its just scary Sean. Scary.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! The festivities start here at 6pm.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Hillbilly Horseshoes
The name of the game really says it all. Apparently, this game goes by more than one name. I was particularly fond of testicle toss. heh. Anyhow, I had my formal introduction to the game last night. All you need is some PVC, rope, and some golf balls. I would like to add that I kick A$$! My partner Brandon and I were undefeated for the night. Must be beginners luck.
I've got a big day planned! I'm heading out to the gym and then off to work for a couple hours. Oooh I love inventory days. Can you feel the sarcasm? I hope to get a walk in for Ellie to tire her out a bit. Tonight a bunch of us are going to the Billy Joel concert and I want to make sure she's tuckered out and sleeping while we're away.
Later Gators!
Friday, April 20, 2007
31 is not quite what 21 was...
I celebrated my 31st b-day yesterday in a very laid back style. I worked a ten hour day, took my puppy to obedience class, had friends over to bbq, and went to the bar and played three mean games of shuffleboard. The day was perfect! I received some AWESOME gifts and many great cards and wishes. First from my brother Andy, two original SI issues of the Duke basketball championship teams, FRAMED! My good friend Angie replaced one of my favorite long lost t-shirts. The home of the fighting Boners indeed.
Thanks for a great day guys and gals!

I have finally taken the plunge and decided to start my own blog! It seems nearly everyone I know has a blog or a myspace account. I absolutely refuse to become a myspace junkie! I hope this will help everyone to stay in touch and up to speed on what's happening in my corner of the world! Ellie my little social chair of obedience school gives you a warm welcome and a sloppy kiss as well!
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