Friday, December 21, 2007

Von Maur Re Opens

Von Maur reopened yesterday, fifteen days after the deadly shooting spree. I was a bit surprised they re opened before Christmas but I am glad to see them trying to move forward. I was thrilled to see so many people turned out to show their support. I can't imagine how incredibly difficult it must be for those store employees to return to work. In this day and age of news broadcasting its incredibly easy to get sensory overload on these kinds of events. The chilling 911 calls with sounds of gunfire in the background, the images of people fleeing the store. All of these things make it that much more difficult. I plan on going to Westroads and Von Maur today. I haven't been to the mall since this happened. I need to go there to support those employees and I need to do it for myself. We can't let some deranged madman define how we live. Thanks for all the kind words for those of you who called, emailed, or left comments here.

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